
Friday, April 16, 2010


What is a Nakshatra?
Hindu astrology has a unique system of prediction that is based on the position of the moon in a given Nakshatra (constellation). There are twenty-seven nakshtras in all. Each one of them covers 13 degrees and 20 minutes of the zodiac. Each Nakshatra is the head of a particular group of stars.
How does the Nakshatra affect you?
The zodiac is divided into 27 Nakshatra zones. Therefore, while traversing the zodiac, the Moon has to pass through one of the Nakshatra. When you were born, the Nakshatra in which the Moon was situated at that time is called your Janma Nakshatra (birth nakshatra). Accurate predictions can be made after ascertaining your Janma Nakshatra. You can exploit opportunities through proper interpretation of the Nakshatra. Similarly, you can ward off the negatives if you take corrective measures. Nakshatra are also associated with colours, symbols, deities, gemstones etc.
Nakshatras and the Three Worlds
According to Hindu mythology there are three worlds or 'Lokas': Swarga (Heaven) Loka, Prithvi (Earth) Loka and Mrityu or Narakha (Hell) Loka. The Nakshtras too are divided into three groups or 'Ganas'.
Translation: Horseman
Deity :Ashwinis (Health)
You are loyal, trustworthy and reliable. Your calm and quiet exterior hides a magnetic personality. Your inherent goodness and comforting nature draws people to you. They look to you for guidance. You are elegant and concerned about your appearance. You are as proud and self-sufficient as you are good natured and practical. You give comfort to others as well as encourage and motivate them. You move, think, act and learn quickly. Though you often enjoy starting new projects, there may be a certain lack of enthusiasm and consistency in following them through. Your movements are like that of a horse, always racing about.
Your greatest strength lies in the speed with which you can get things done. You always have a great deal of energy and stamina; that others can rarely keep pace with, and this keeps them in awe of you.
Activities and careers that will suit you are: architecture, stock broking, business, interior design, flying, driving, riding and sports. Take care to curb your stubbornness, as it may get in the way of a harmonious family life. You are predisposed to muscular injuries and those of you leading very active lives should be careful, as accidents are common to people born under this nakshatra.
Male Natives
1. Physical features : Male born in Ashwini Nakshatra will have a beautiful countenance. His eyes will be bright and large. Forehead broad and nose a little bigger
2. Character and general events : The native may appear to be very calm and quite, but capable of getting his work done un-noticed and is more predominant in the case of native born during the period from April 14th to April 28th, when the sun will be transiting his exaltation place in Ashwini and from October 14th to October 28th, when the sun will be transiting his debilitation place in Svati. There is a saying that even Yama, the God of Death ,cannot change his adamant attitude. Those born in the Ashwini of other months will have stubbornness in a lesser degree
He will remain faithful to those who love him and will not hesitate to sacrifice anything for such persons. Ashwini born is the best friend in need provided others understand him. He keeps his patience even at the time of greatest perils. But it will be a hurricane task to console the native when he goes berserk. He is the best advisor to the persons in agony. But he deeply resents and fears criticism, see suggestions from others, as a frightening attempt at manipulation
He takes his own time to do any work. Even so, his actions may be slow but well thought. He will not jump upon any matter without examining prose and corns of each item of work. He cannot be easily influenced. Once he carries out an action or work, whether it is good or bad, right or wrong, he will stick to what he has done, come what may
He is a firm believer of God. But there is no room for religious or other sentiments. He is orthodox but in new style i.e., he believes in modernization of orthodox method and belief
Even though he is quite intelligent, at times he makes mountain of even small matters. This leads him in a state of lack of mental peace and will always be in desperate mood. He is always interested in keeping the entire surroundings neat and clean
3. Education and sources of earnings / profession : He is jack of all arts. He is generally fond of music and interested in literary pursuits. Period up to his 30th years of age will be full of struggle. He has to face obstacles even for small matters. From the 30th year of age, there will be steady and continuous progress which will continue up to 55 years of age
One of the predominant features noticed is that he is very stingy, but his expenditure will be more than his income due mainly to his pomp and show. He is inclined to meet his desires and needs at any cost
4. Family life : He loves his family in entire sincerity. However, he is subjected to hatred by his own family members due to his adamant behavior. Affection that was expected and the care that was required, cannot be derived from the father of the native. In other words, the natives as also his co-borns will be neglected by their father. Whatever help he may derive is only from the side of his maternal uncle. Maximum possible help will come from those who are outside the family circle
Normally marriage takes place between 26 to 30 years of age. There will be more sons than daughters
Female Natives
Females born in this Nakshatra will have more or less the same general results as mentioned in the case of male natives. In addition, she will have the following results :
1.Physical features : Eyes will be bright and small resembling to that of a fish. She has a magnetic look
2. Character and general events : She has the technique of bringing anybody near to her with her sweet speech. She maintains utmost patience. She indulges in too much sexual operations. She is pure hearted. Even while living in the modern society she maintains the age old tradition of respecting elders
3. Education, sources of earning / profession : If employed she may either be not interested in the work after 50 years of age and may quit the job or seek voluntary retirement. It is not a negative point. She may do so, as her financial or other conditions would have improved by her 50th years of age, and she no longer requires any work for her livelihood. She will thereafter devote herself to the welfare of the family and to some extent do social work, provided other planetary positions are not adverse. Administrative type of job (including possibility of Indian Administrative Service for an Indian) is earmarked for her
4.Family life : Normally marriage takes place between the period of 23 years to 26 years of age. It has been noticed that in case marriage takes place at a young age i.e., before the age of 23 years, such marriage ends either at divorce, separation from the husband for long time or even death of the husband
There will be more female children than male children. She is quick to respond to the needs and desires of her children to pursue the interest of the children. Whenever time permits, these females do cleaning of the house and household articles and they force others to do the same
5. Health : Her health will generally be good. Main cause of her ailments is unnecessary mental worry and anxiety. In some cases, when such worry or anxiety goes beyond control, it has been noticed that brain disorder of mild type takes place at a later stage. She should always be careful while cooking or while handling fire. In the modern society, motor vehicle accidents have also been noticed
Translation: The Bearer
Deity: Yama
You are of medium build with well-set teeth. You are intelligent, with a quick mind and ready wit, and are mentally quite flexible. You are spontaneous and optimistic, and drawn to the unknown. You are very courageous and never shy away from a fight, especially if you think it is for the right cause. Many of you will be blessed with a long life. Your Nakshatra is that of the 'The Bearer', one who is burdened. This often makes you bitter and selfish, as you feel encumbered by responsibility. You dislike being controlled and manipulated though quite often your own behaviour can be childlike.
Some of you are very creative, especially in the visual arts, and may try your hand at painting and photography.
Careers that will suit you are: Military, Chemical industry, medicine, agriculture. You may have problems in romance and may be misunderstood by your partner. You are a connoisseur and fond of good things in life and prone to putting on weight. Obesity and skin diseases could plague many of you.
Male Natives
1. Physical features : He is of medium size, with less hair, large forehead, bright eyes, beautiful teeth. His complexion will be ruddy and fairly long neck and face. It has been found that if birth takes place during mid-day, the native is very tall. His head will be broad at the temples and narrow at the chin. Bushy eye brows
2. Character and general events : Bharani born is not generally liked by all, in spite of the fact that he is pure hearted and does not like to harm anybody. When he wants to express his opinion in any matter he is just not bothered about the sentiments of others. He will not like to get anything for himself by buttering. Come what may, he is not ready to work against his consciousness whether he is according to others, right or wrong. Due to this attitude he has to face a lot of resistance and failures. He won't hesitate to spoil the relationship even with near and dear ones on small matters. But when he is convinced of his fault, when the opponent comes forward with folded hands, he will completely forget their enmity and start reciprocating sincerely
Tactful behavior is alien to him. He is far away from the state of obedience. Arrogance quite often leads him to miseries. Subordination is equal to death for him. When he was to bow to others, he becomes pensive. Advice and encouragement have no room in his mind
He will generally be having a good all-round knowledge. He has the capacity to go deep into any matter. Even though Bharani born will shine well in public life, he tends to face criticism and loss of wealth
He likes to command others and will always be eager to establish supremacy. He cannot march forward without hurdles and will have to face stiff competition, and in the run he quite often faces failures. For others, he may appear to be arrogant, but the truth is that he is pure hearted. His life is full of ups and downs
It is advisable that Bharani born should not involve in unnecessary arguments or competition. He will fight for certain principles which will ultimately lead him into trouble. He is fond of spreading rumors and wasting time by humors. As already mentioned above his life is full of ups and downs, there will not be any good or bad periods for long time. In short, ha has to face a life of mixture of good and bad always. He is quite capable of looking after others but he needs some one to look after him. Ultimately his beneficiary and friends turn against him. He cannot establish permanent relationship with anyone
3. Education, sources of earnings / profession : There is never a permanent good or bad time. After his 33 years of age there will be a positive change in his surroundings, in his life, and in his livelihood. He is fit for any type of work, particularly in administrative job, business, sports, music, art advertisement, automobile or restaurants. He can also be a good surgeon or a judge. He can be successful in the business of tobacco items or cultivation of tobacco. He will attain success in all undertakings provided he establishes or starts any activity by proceeding to the Eastern direction first and also if possible the place of activity or business may also be in the eastern side or eastern direction from his house
4. Family life : Marriage comes around 27 years of age. They are fortunate in conjugal bliss. His companion will be expert in household administration and well behaved. He will cause the death of his father if birth is in the 1st or 2nd quarter of Bharani Nakshatra. His wife must save money for a rainy day, as he make some impulsive purchases, whether there is money left for other purposes or not. He loves his family. He dislikes to be away from his family members even for a day
5. Health : While he does not take care of his health, there won't be any serious health problems. Main possible diseases are dental problem, diabetes and severe body pain, affections of brain, high fever, apoplexy, ring worms and malaria. Normally he is a very poor eater. He believes in the principle of 'eating to live and living to eat'. He is afraid of water and as is the thought, he should be careful while traveling through water, taking bath in rivers, oceans and ponds. Injury in the forehead and just around the eyes. Since he is a chain smoker he has to be careful about his lung
Female Natives
1.Physical features: She will have a very beautiful figure. White teeth but not in proper arrangement
2. Character and general events: She will possess a clean, admirable and modest character. She respects her parents and elderly persons, but she does not relish suggestions from others and acts according to her own sweet will. She is bold and impulsive and over optimistic
3.Education, sources of earning/ profession: She earns her own livelihood. She will be successful as a receptionist, guide or sales woman. She will not wait for opportunities to come but will go out and create opportunity to fulfill her desires. She may earn through sports activities
4. Family Life: Marriage comes around her 23rd years of age. She will have an upper hand in all matters and she will behave like a commander. While she will enjoy full confidence, love and satisfaction from her husband, she is quite often troubled by her in-laws. She always speaks high of her own family. She will obey only such a man whom she can admire. In case she marries a simple man, who is lowly placed in life, she will over power her husband in all walks of life. As Bharani born females are a little aggressive, married partner should have patience and deal with them tactfully for avoiding daily friction in life
5. Health: Her health will be good. She will have frequent menstrual problems, uterus disorders, anemia and in some cases tuberculosis has also been noticed.
Translation: The Cutter
Deity: Agni
You have a feline grace and a magnetic personality. You are popular, especially with the opposite sex. You are powerfully built and have a commanding presence. You are hearty and vigorous with a voracious appetite. You are an overachiever and you may acquire many material possessions. You are determined and resolute and once your mind is made up, there is no stopping you. You are admired for your single mindedness, and your sense of purpose. You have the ability to cut through to the heart of the matter and tackle problems head on. Your leadership skills are highly developed though your aggressiveness often intimidates those around you. You are often misunderstood.
Normally those born under this nakshatra are placid characters, but can become very dangerous if provoked.
As the translation implies, you are good at cutting through things. Therefore you will be good at carpentry, sculpture, metal work etc.
Careers that will suit you are: Engineering, law, Military, medicine, business, interior decoration etc.
You are ideally suited to fight for the rights of the less privileged, as you are adept at getting things done.
Male Natives
1. Physical features: Normally he is of middle stature. However, native with Saturn's aspect to this segment has a tall body. His nose is prominent and his eyes sympathetic, neck thick and stout, solidly built body with big shoulders and well developed muscles, countenance peaceful and his behavior respectful. He has a commanding appearance.
2. Character and general events: While he is on the one hand very intelligent, on the other hand he cannot pursues any goal for long. In other words he easily gets bored with any particular thing and jump upon another without knowing the pros and cons. He is capable of rendering good advice and tells others the way out for any problem. But in his own life, he does what he thinks at a particular time.
He will discard any friendship if that friendship questions his ego and freedom. But at the same time he does not like to achieve name, fame and wealth through unfair means or at the mercy of others. His needs or wants are not beyond reason nor his accumulations always spectacular, although his money making abilities are often phenomenal, his motivation however derives from an emphatic wish to remain free from obligations. He cannot find fault in his own action. Optimism followed with self-pride is one of the characteristics of these persons. He is determined to go ahead with great energy and shows his stubborn and tenacious nature.
Orthodoxy and monotheism are combined in him i.e. while he is orthodox he does not believe in age-old blind belief and customs. Persistent effort and hard work are his motto. He is eager to render some positive service to the world but he cannot shine for longer period. He involves himself in public life sincerely but loss and failures are ultimate gain. This drawback is attributable to lack of ability to move according to the situation.
He tries to impose certain restriction and control through self-assessment and modify them according to his sweet will. Once a promise is made, it will be carried out at any cost.
In the public life he can attain name, fame and respect. Excess of sincerity will be the means of his downfall. Frustrations start hunting him even on small matters and lead him to outburst. Once he got heated up, subsequent steps will be dangerous. Hence he has to observe maximum mental balance and keep away the out bursting temperament. Remarkable ability will be shown in arguments and counter arguments with reasoning. It is quite often seen that these types of persons will be bereft of truth and money, undertakes unnecessary travel. They are thankless and will utter cruel words.
3. Education, source of earning/profession: Mostly Krittika born will not stay in the hometown. That means his livelihood will be in the foreign land. When I say foreign, it is not necessary that it should be a foreign country. Foreign land means a little away from the place where he is born. Partnership business is not suitable to him.
He derives benefits from the government. Engineer, doctor specialised in venereal diseases, treasury department, draftsman. In case the native is interested in business he can derive maximum benefits from the yarn export, medicines and decorative industries. A large legacy at any part of his life is awaiting for him. He is very slow in any work. Hence for success in life, he is advised to increase the speed while doing any work as otherwise he may be dragged behind others.
4. Family life: He is generally lucky in his married life. His spouse will be expert in household administration, dedicated and devoted, faithful and virtuous. With all these plus points, health of the spouse will be a concern for him and / or circumstances may so be created that he has to quite often live separately. When I say separation, it may be due to work or due to ill health to either of the family members i.e. parents of the spouse etc. and not due to disharmony between the couple.
While he has to confront with many obstacles in various walks of life, he will be contended and lucky in the family field, where he enjoys the utmost satisfaction and peace.
He is more attached to mother. Among his co-borns, the native will enjoy more favor and love from the mother. While his father will be a pious man and well-known person, the native cannot enjoy comforts and benefits from father. His life up to 50 years of age will be full of trial and have to face frequent changes in surroundings. However, period between 25 years and 35 years and 50 years and 56 years will be very good.
Love marriage is indicated to the native. Sometimes, it has been found that Krittika born marries a girl known to his family.
5. Health: He has good appetite but he cannot has a systematic food habit. Diseases to which he is prone to are dental problem, weak eyesight, tuberculosis, wind and piles, brain fever, accident, wounds, malaria or cerebral meningitis.
Whatever may be the condition of his health, whether good or bad, neither he is afraid of any disease nor he is ready to observe daily care of his health.
Female Natives
1. Physical Features: She will have a clean body, medium height and extremely beautiful up to her 27th years of age. Thereafter, due to sudden psychological or circumstantial changes, her beauty slowly starts fading.
2. Character and general events: While she is not completely loveless, she will not subdue to the pressure of others. Therefore, mentally she has to suffer. She is fond of quarrels. She expresses arrogance not only in her appearance but also in the domestic environment.
3. Education, sources of income/profession: Normally only a very few percentage of Krittika females are highly educated. She earns by working in the paddy field, agriculture field, fisheries and other small-scale industries. When the birth is in the 1st degree of Krittika or 12 to 13.20 degree of Krittika, the native becomes highly learned and she may be an Administrative Office, Doctor or Chemical Engineer or a Teacher. She also earns as a musician or artist, tailor or from leather products.
4. Family life: She cannot enjoy full comforts of her husband. In some cases childlessness or separation from husband is also indicated and in few cases no marriage takes place. In case marriage does not takes place in early age, in several cases it has been that her 37th year is good for marriage. She will not keep cordial relation with relatives as a sense of suppression and subordination is rampant in mind. Truth is that these females live in an illusion world and they show discourtesy to the people who actually are their well wishes. Ultimately a secluded life is in store for them.
5. Health: Health will be severely afflicted either due to excess work or lack of mental peace. Glandular tuberculosis has also been noticed.
Translation: The Red One
Deity: Prajapati
Lightly built, you are soft spoken and popular. You have delicate features and a gentle nature. You admire honesty and loyalty. You are witty and intelligent and with your excellent persuasive skills, you can sway people. You can quickly gain others' confidence but must take care not to abuse their trust. You can motivate others to work hard and achieve their goals. You may experience family problems due to being misunderstood sometimes.
Careers that will suit you are: Business, chemical engineering, civil engineering and construction, architecture, design, landscaping etc. Finance is another area where you could do very well.
You are also inclined towards intellectual activities and will continue to seek knowledge through out your life.
Your romantic and marital life will be blissful and tranquil. Some of you could suffer from nervous and stress related health problems. A turn towards spirituality and religion will prove beneficial and will bring you peace of mind.
Male Natives
1. Physical Features : He is normally of slim physique. However, based on other planetary positions and aspects, short structured and fatty persons have also been seen. His eyes are very attractive with a special magnetic touch. Appearance is very beautiful and attractive, big shoulder and well developed muscles
2. Character and general events : He is short tempered. Once he gets angry, it will not subside so easily, and nobody can change his decision. He becomes extremely obstinate if some one attempts to over-ride his opinions or thwart his plans. He remains oblivious to any advice or ideas counter to his own
He has special knack to find faults of others. Whereas, he cannot work with a fixed aim. He is ruled by his heart rather than his brain. While he is ready to sacrifice everything for his loved ones, he will not hesitate to cause extreme trouble to the hated. He feels impressed upon his own work
Acceptance of the truth and discard of the false is his plus point. His life is full of ups and downs as he does not try to pre-plan his objectives. He can attain great success in his life provided a little restraint is kept in the freedom of his mind. There is no tomorrow for him. He spends everything for today's comfort
3. Education, sources of earning / profession : As far as possible he tries to be more sincere and honest in all the work he undertakes. But he lacks patience and forgiveness. He tries to be jack off all arts and in the process he fails to pass through the path of requisite rhythm and system
His freedom of mind will quite often lead him to the downfall. It is also seen that some Rohini born persons have risen from the lowest rung of life due to the finest placements of other planets
He may earn from milk products, sugarcane or as a Chemical Engineer. He is best adapted for mechanical or laborious work
Periods between the age of 18 years and 36 years will be the most trial some periods. He will have to face a lot of problems economically, socially and on health grounds. It is often noticed that such people enjoy their life's best between the age of 38 years and 50 years and 65 years and 75 years of age. One of the primary factors to be born in mind is that he should never take anybody into confidence.. He has to be extra careful in his business partners and employees. There is an inherent drawback in him that he blindly believe others. For a happy existence, it is suggested that he should screen the persons thoroughly before confidence is bestowed on such persons
4. Family life : While he cannot enjoy full benefit from his father, he will be more attached to his mother and maternal uncle or maternal things. He will not hesitate to throw away any social or religious laws when warranted for. Hence his married life will be marred with disturbances
5. Health : He is prone to diseases connected with blood, blood cancer, jaundice, urinary disorders, blood sugar, tuberculosis, respiratory problems, paralysis and throat trouble
Female Natives
1. Physical Features : She is beautiful. Her eyes are very attractive. She is of medium height and fair complexion
2. Character and general events : She is well behaved and well dressed. she shows a lot of pomp and show but at the same time she has a a very weak heart. Like the males, females born in Rohini, are also short tempered and invite troubles. She is practical, secretive and violent when instigated
3. Education, sources of earnings / profession : She possess inherent aptitude for any work entrusted to her or done by her. She earns from oils, milk, hotels, paddy fields and as a dress maker. Middle level education is indicated for her
4. Family life : Her family life will be good. She will have the comfort of her husband and children in full. She must curb the tendency of stubbornness for a harmonial married life. She must avoid doubting her own husband as otherwise marriage may end in divorce
5. Health : Her health will generally be good. She will have pain in the legs and feet, pain in the breast, sometimes breast cancer, irregular menses and sore throat, pimples and swelling above the neck
Translation: Deer's Head
Deity: Soma
You are youthful, full of energy, and very popular. You have a sharp intellect, unbounded curiosity, and a fine sense of humour. You are elegant and concerned about your appearance. You are very knowledgeable and can hold your own in intellectual discussion. You are very creative, especially in the performing arts. You enjoy singing and public speaking. You will have no problems in attracting romantic partners, though your marital life may not be harmonious.
You often tend to overdo things, and often get overexcited about them, and as a consequence; might suffer from nervousness and exhaustion. You have to guard against becoming too critical and sarcastic as you may risk alienating a lot of people.
Careers ideally suited for you are: Sports, Advertising, Communication, Environment campaigns, travel related industry etc. You will fare well in your career when you are given creative freedom and allowed to chart your own course.
Many of you will suffer from bodily ailments and minor illnesses through out your life.
Male Natives
1. Physical feature : He will have a beautiful and stout body, tall, moderate complexion, thin legs and long arms
2. Character and general events : There is a peculiar tendency seen in him. He has a doubting nature. He is always suspicious of everything. He is very sincere in his dealings with others and he expects the same reciprocal sincerity nature others find it pleasant to deal with him. But a word of precaution is necessary here that he has to be very careful while dealing with his friends and relatives as also in any partnership business as he may be cheated. Blind trust put on others will quite often lead him into later frustration and repentance
He has a knack to deal with even those who ditch him. He has a natural initiative, awareness, brilliancy of mind, eagerness and active agility, but as a result of his affectionate regard for others, he is buffeted by both circumstances and people
He is very simpleton. He prefers a life of simplicity and principled. He always expresses impartial and sincere opinion. He can be impatient to the point of intolerance when confronted with prejudice , judgment or action by others. While he expresses to others opinion, it is never brought into his life. He acts according to his own sweet will. Outwardly expresses to the public that it is very courageous and will not hesitate to do anything which requires extreme courage, whereas he is an inborn coward
He will not have peace of mind and get irritated even on small matters. His life up to 32 years of age will be full of trials and errors and would appear to be like a lost boat in the center of the ocean i.e., the question of where to go, how to go and why to go will permanently rampage his mind without any conclusion. His 32nd age onwards, life will start settling down down to the maximum satisfaction provided other planetary positions are good
3. Education, sources of earning / profession : He will have good education. He is a very good financial adviser. He advises others to curb the spending but he cannot control the expenditure and at last finds himself in the extreme economic conflict. He achieves success in life, including business if engaged after the age of 32 years. Till that time he has to face several ups and downs. He often begins projects rather than finishing the tediously routine tasks of the one in hand. It is mainly due to percipience rather than weakness and above all his ability to understand the possibility of success or no success of a project in hand, discard it immediately and replaces it immediately and replaces it with another which is more viable. In other words, he cannot undertake any permanent or continuing nature of work
Period between 33 years and 50 years will be a period of full of strength and activities followed by utmost satisfaction. During this period he can achieve the benefits unexpectedly. But whatever he will be earning during this period will be wasted later on due to his own fault
4. Family life : No benefit will be derived from the co-borns. Co-borns will not only cause troubles and problems to the native, but also maintain extreme enmity so as to harm the native. His sincere love and affection will not have any any effect in his relatives. In other words, the native is mistaken absolutely for no fault of his own. That is why we are bound to believe the existence of God and the relationship of stars over the human beings
His spouse may not keep good health. Moreover, his married life is not cordial, mainly due to difference of opinion on silly matters, and the adamant nature of the native. In some cases, it is seen that the reason for the disharmony between the couple is mainly due to the better occupation in life by one of them, and the consequent inferiority complex
5. Health : He has to face ill-health during his childhood. Frequent constipation ultimately leading to stomach disorder, cuts and injuries, pains in the shoulders near collarbones
Female Natives
Female natives born in this Nakshatra will also enjoy more or less the same results as mentioned above in the case of male natives. In addition they will enjoy the following results:
1. Physical features : She is tall, sharp look, lean body. Her countenance and body very very beautiful
2. Character and general events : She is very intelligent. She takes keen interest in the social work. Mentally always alert, quick-witted, selfish. Since she has a poisonous tongue, she has to be careful when entering to arguments or getting angry as in case she curses others, such curse has the power to harm others. She is educated, fond of fine arts. She will have children and devotes to her husband. Acquires considerable wealth. Enjoys good food. She will be lucky to have ornaments and fine clothing. She is greedy for wealth
3. Education, sources of earnings / profession : Attains good knowledge in the mechanical or electrical engineering, telephones, electronics etc. It may become surprising that being a female native, how she is more interested in the jobs that are normally done by males
4. Family life : Even after marriage, she keeps busy in various activities. She keeps her husband under her control. There may be one or two love affairs early in her life, which has not culminated into marriage. However, after marriage she is very much attached to her husband, as if nothing has taken place in the past.
5. Health : Intermittent health problems will take place. She is prone to goiter, pimples, venereal diseases, menstrual troubles and shoulder pains
Translation: Moist or Perspiring
Deity: Rudra
You tend to be healthy, vigorous and physically fit. Many of you are handsome and good-looking. You have that rare gift of compassion and empathy and are inclined to help the needy. You are more inclined towards physical activity even though you are quite intelligent. At times, you can be insensitive and impetuous. You are flexible and open to change, and often make attempts to change your negative traits.
Often you are stubborn and not easily persuaded. Some times you inadvertently cause pain to others, and are viewed as a threat by them.
Subduing of animals, people or natural forces come naturally to people born under this nakshatra.
Career best suited for you: Law enforcement, fire fighting, etc. It is important to realise that this urge to control others should not be extended to romantic and family affairs. It will have to be replaced with love, trust and respect. To always try and dominate will cause an inordinate amount of pain to your loved ones.
It is important to realise that this urge to control others should not be extended to romantic and family affairs. It will have to be replaced with love, trust and respect. To always try and dominate will cause an inordinate amount of pain to your loved ones.
Heart trouble, paralysis, and stress related ailments are some of the likely ailments that you could suffer from.
Male Natives
1. Physical features: It has been noticed that various natives of Aridra have different shape of structure, right from the slim and short structure to fat and lengthy structure
2. Character and general events: He undertakes any work entrusted to him in a responsible manner. In the public meetings he creates an atmosphere of humor and keeps every body attracted to him. He has intuitive perception. He is good psychologist
His dealings with his friends and relatives will be of very much cordial type. In some cases it is also noticed that the native is thankless to the persons who have given him help. He does not have a constant type of behavior
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: He has the capacity to acquire and keep knowledge of almost all the subjects. However, in spite of these good qualities he cannot attain much fame or reward out of such knowledge. Since he is over sincere in the work and as also to the persons even the slightest problem which may be confronted will land him into maximum mental agony. However, even during the time of extreme hardships both financial and mental, he can keep his head cool, behave in a most respectable an attractive manner. Because of this quality he is very much involved in others heart
He will not stick to only one line of work, whereas he would like to undertake so many works at a time. Even when he comes to know that the line of action or though which he has taken is the correct approach but according to others it is not like that he will not hesitate to subdue and respect others. In case he undertakes research work on any particular line he can shine well. In the business field also he can attain much success
It has been noticed that most of the selfless social workers are born in this Nakshatra. He has the capacity to undertake any number of jobs at a time and complete perfection in all the fields can also be obtained. In case he undertakes a travel for a specific job, he will oversee other connected work which can be carried out simultaneously
Normally, the native earns his livelihood away from his home and family. In other words he is settled in foreign places. Period between 32years and 42 years of age will be the golden period for him. He may be employed in transport, shipping, communication departments or industries. He may also earn as a bookseller or finance broker
4. Family life: His marriage will be delayed. In case marriage takes place early he will be compelled to live separately from the family either due to difference of opinion between the couple or due to other circumstances beyond his control. He will have to face several inherent problems of the life. But he will not reflect his problems outwardly
When the marriage takes place at a late stage his married life will be good. His spouse will exercise full control over him
5. Health: He may have some diseases, which may term to be sometimes incurable. For example, paralysis, heart trouble and dental problems. He is also prone to Asthma, eosonophilia, and dry cough, ear trouble
Female natives
1. Physical features: She has handsome body with charming eyes, prominent nose
2. Character and general events: She is well behaved and peace minded. She is extravagant. Has good intelligence, helpful to others but clever in finding fault in others. In some female horoscope, possibility of having two mothers or two fathers have been noticed
3. Education, sources of earnings/profession: She can attain a good amount of distinction in the educational or scientific field. Mostly Aridra born specializes in Electronic items or drugs and pharmaceutical. She also earns out of various consultation works
4. Family life: Like male folk, she also marries at a late stage. But she cannot enjoy full requisite love and affection either from her husband or husband's family. Her married life will be full of thorns. Even children cannot give her the required happiness. In some cases it has been noticed that either death of the husband of divorce takes place
5. Health: She is prone to menstrual troubles, asthma, spoiled blood, lack of blood or uterus trouble, ear trouble, mumps, bilious and phlegmatic
Translation: Good Again
Deity: Adita
You are a bright and enthusiastic person with handsome features. You are a simple person with not one dishonest bone in your body. You have a spiritual bent of mind and materialism does hold much attraction for you. Those born under this nakshatra will be drawn to religious professions. Whatever little material possessions you may acquire, you will share it with others. You look inward for your spiritual fulfilment.
You will tend to choose a religious or spiritual career. Even if you do not choose a religious career, you will remain deeply religious and spiritual. Other career options could be writing, acting or journalism.
Those born under this sign tend to have very happy marriages. Children born to such people feel loved and secure. Your deep-rooted faith in God and your high morals will give your family a deep sense of security.
You should take care of your health and eat healthy wholesome diets, otherwise diseases like T.B., under nourishment and pneumonia, could afflict you.
Male Natives
1. Physical features: Handsome, long hights and long face. Some identification mark on the face or on the backside of the head
2. Character and general events: The native has complete faith in God. He is religiously inclined. Initially he will have good behavior but later on according to the circumstances he changes his behavior. Therefore, others have to be careful while approaching him. It is very difficult to know his inner thought. He is contended with little but at the same time he is hot tempered. He sticks to ancient tradition and belief
He will not stand a party to any illegal activities and will try to resist others from doing so. He does not like to cause trouble to others, on the other hand he tries to help the needy. He will lead a simple life
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: He can shine and get success in almost all the subjects except in partnership business. He can attain much name and fame as a teacher or as an actor. Writer, physician etc. Period up to 32 years of age will not be so good. Hence he should not involve himself in any major business till 32 years of age. He may not be in a position to accumulate wealth but he can attain public honor. The main reason why the native is not in a position to accumulate wealth is lack of business trick and straightforwardness. One peculiar expression can be seen in his face i.e. an innocent and frustrated looking
4. Family life: He is the most obedient child of his parents. He respects his father and mother as also his teacher. His marriage life may not be good. He may either divorce his wife or another marriage, even while the first wife is alive. In case he does not go for the second marriage the health of the spouse will give a lot of problems and mental agony. However, his spouse will have all the qualities of a good housewife. Frequent friction between other family members will take place. All these simultaneous problems will lead to mental wreckage
5. Health: While there may not be any serious health problem, even the slightest problem will be a cause of concern for him. He drinks lot of water. He has strong digestion
Female Natives
1. Physical features: Her eyes are red, curly hair, sweet speech and high nose
2. Character and general events: While she will generally have a calm nature, she has argumentative tongue, which will lead her into frequent friction with her relatives and her neighbors. However, she is charitable and shows respect. She will have many servants. On the whole she will be leading a comfortable life
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: She is fond of music, gets mastery over dances
4. Family life: Her husband will be most handsome man
5. Health: She cannot enjoy good health. This is mainly due to her non-care nature about her health. Jaundice, tuberculosis, goiter and pneumonia, stomach upset and ear trouble
Translation: Nourishing
Deity: Brihaspati
This is considered the best nakshatra. You are intelligent, soft-spoken and spiritual. You help others, asking nothing in return. You are self-sufficient and self-reliant. You are also inclined towards intellectual activities. You have deep-seated political and humane convictions. You help others unconditionally and are a champion of the underprivileged. However you must be cautious of others trying to manipulate you for their own selfish ends. You are a fair and straightforward person and expect others to behave likewise. Medicine, Social Work, health care are ideally suited for you.
Your talent for spreading happiness and lifting the spirit and activities like comedy, party planning, event planning will be suitable. Your tendency of putting your political or social work before your self, and your family, may cause some friction. It is advisable to have a balanced approach, and be sensitive to the needs of your loved ones.
Some you could be predisposed to ailments like gall stones, gastric ulcers, skin diseases etc.
Male Natives
1. Physical Features: It is very difficult to define or describe the body structure or the look of Pushyami born native, as there is no specific structure exclusively enjoyed by Pushyami born. In other words, varying sizes are noticed. One rare sign, as a mark of identification noticed in these persons, is that there will be a distinguished mark, may be a scar or a black mole on their face
2. Character and general events: He is very weak at heart. He finds it difficult to reach at conclusion on any matter. He will have good knack of behavior but that behavior is only for the sake of selfish interest. This clearly indicates that his outward expression is hypocritical and against his consciousness i.e. the inner expression is negative and the outward expression is positive. Respecting others is unknown to him whereas expectation of respect is within him. He responds quickly to admiration and become quickly deflated by criticism, giving himself to love and affection with sincerity and appreciation, yet he is ever mindful of slights and he hesitate to form strong attachments
As already explained above, the inherent freedom available in all walks of life will lead to him to the bad company. Hence he has to be very careful with his friends. He is fond of good dresses
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: He will jump upon any work without judging or thinking whether he is capable of doing such work or not, and ultimately push him into utter failure in any work he undertakes. While I say that he is not a good anticipator, he is very good in certain work and sweet words are just a natural expression for him. It would be better if he assess his capacity and ability for the specific field where he can shine well and then start doing the job. If that is done, nobody on earth can stop him in achieving the requisite result. One of the plus points for him is that he is not easily vulnerable to defeat and he pushes his way up through several obstacles
Even if he does not have any basic education, he will show extra-ordinary intelligence and knowledge on any matter of discussion. Another plus point for him is that he will resist tooth and nail any idea or programme or work which is not within the spirit of law. He is of the opinion that all wrong doers must be punished whether they are his friends or relatives or enemies. He will carry out any work entrusted to him with utmost sincerely and certainty. While he wants to complete the work which he commences or assigned to him in perfect condition, the outcome in most of the cases i.e negative because of his too much independent nature. His abilities are many faceted but his success is as probable in the theatre or the arts of in commerce
In most cases it is seen that Pushy born will have to face the grip of poverty up to the age of 15-16 years of age and thereafter he will enjoy a mixture of good and bad, where plus will be less and minus will be more up to the age of 32 years. From the age of 33 years, there will be remarkable all round improvements i.e. economically, socially and in health
In most cases it has been seen that Pushyami born will stay away from his native place and family for his bread earning. He normally undertakes the work where maximum traveling is involved
4. Family life: There will be lot of problems in the family circle and he will have to depend on others for even day to day requirements. Due to this dependency during childhood he becomes quite independent when he grows up
Circumstances will be so warranted that he will be forced to stay away most of the time from his wife and children even though he is very much wanting to be attached with them. He expects his wife to be thoroughly self sufficient, with creditable talents and to be correct and conservative in manner and dress. If the marriage of the native is performed without proper comparison or tallying of the horoscope, he may lose all rational perspective and begin to doubt his wife rather than admitting his own lack of discernment. He is very much attached to his parents
5. Health: He will not keep good health during his childhood i.e. up to the age of 15years. Gall stones, gastric ulcer, jaundice, cough, eczema and cancer are the possible diseases
Female Natives:
1. Physical Features: She has a short stature, moderate complexion, well-proportioned face and body. Generally handsome
2. Character and general events: She will not enjoy peaceful existence. She has a very amicable character and is peace-minded, very submissive to the elders but oppressed by all. She is sincere, affectionate but moody. She is religious and god fearing. Respects her elders. She is conservative. Does systematical and methodical action
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: She may have income from land and buildings. She may be employed in a job where maximum trust is required e.g. Private Secretaries, Secret departments of a country. She may also have income from Agriculture
4. Family Life: Even though she is 'Pativrata' (attached to won husband only) she is quite often mistaken by her husband for her moral character. This situation can be avoided if she keeps a little control and restriction over her husband by sheding away her shyness and her outward expression is made clear to her husband and others. Reasons for most of the turmoil in her life is mainly attributable to what she thinks inside and what she expresses outside. She wants to say a lot of things but she is prevented by her inherent quality of shyness, which often misleads others, and a negative opinion is formed about the native. She will have good duty bound children
5. Health: She will have respiratory problem. She is prone to tuberculosis, ulcers, breast cancer, and jaundice, eczema, bruises in the breast or gastric ulcer
Translation: The entwiner
Deity: Sarpas
You are resourceful and clever. You think and move fast. You are remarkably flexible and have the capability to transform yourself. You have diverse interests and need constant stimulation. As a result you may change careers many times in your life. Many of you are born leaders and have a fierce desire to be the best. You also want to be recognised for your achievements. You have excellent communication skills and many of you may be good orators
You should be careful regarding your investments or you may suffer heavy losses.
You are very secretive by nature and though often work in groups, you have a sense of alienation. Often you are unduly suspicious of people's motives. You need a lot of variety in your career. Ideally you are suited to go into politics, acting, writing or journalism.
Your family life will be harmonious and you will make your partner the focal point of your life. You could suffer from ailments like joint pains, bodily discomforts, and nervous disorders.
There is a saying that persons born in Ashlesha Nakshatra possess serpent's sight that even the look of these persons on others will have the effect of penetration of certain unknown force. In order to escape from such sight, it is the ancient traditional practice that the neighbours grow bamboos on the border or fences of their houses. Probably the bamboos have magnetic power to catch both sight and sound
Male Natives
1. Physical Features: Ashlesha born normally possess rude appearance. He may appear to be having stout body and rude features but inside built up is void
2. Character and general events: He will not be grateful to anybody even to those who have given him life. Outwardly he tends to show that he is very sincere and would like to share the tragedy of others but he is not like that. He is very talkative. One of the added advantages is that he can attract people with hypocritical words and he is fit to man various organizations. Since there is an inherent quality of leadership and eagerness to reach the top he can shine very well in the political field. In spite of all those mentioned above, which may appear to be an adverse indication of the character, he is the most intelligent person who can give suitable leadership to a country
It is also seen that some Ashlesha born who are cowards, poor-hearted and soft-spoken. They are not arrogant by themselves but they are arrogant to the world, because of the peculiar expression they show to the world
He does not believe others blindly. Even then it is seen that he mostly associates himself with black marketers, thieves and murderers. He does not keep any distinction between rich and poor, good and bad people. He does not like to have any resistance to his independence from any circle and has a good liking towards the persons who are ready to accept his leadership and obey his orders whether in the negative or in the positive approach. To such persons he is ready to sacrifice anything. He never likes to cheat others nor he likes to engulf others property. But it is seen that he is quite often mistaken by others
One of the drawbacks with the Ashlesha born is that his brain always supports the persons who are not in need and reject the request of the persons who are in need. Suppose he renders a helping hand to a needy person he will not hesitate to publicize such act
Whatever may be the plus and minus points in the Ashlesha born, it is generally noticed that he is luckiest, popular but hot-tempered person. If anybody closely watches him it will be seen that he loses his temper where it is not required and where it is required he keeps silent. On the one side when we say that the Ashlesha born is luckiest, the fruit of that lucky existence cannot be enjoyed by him
Mostly he is betrayed by the relations and friends and helping hand is extended by the unknown
3. Education, source of income/profession: He may have his education in Arts or Commerce line. In the professional field, the native gets speedy promotions and sudden reversals. A heavy loss of money at the age of 35-36th years of age and unexpected and unearned income when he is 40 years of age
4. Family life: He will have to shoulder much of the family responsibilities, most probably it may be due to the native being the eldest in the family. His wife cannot understand him. She does not want to share her wealth with other relatives (sister-in-law or cousin brother etc.)
5. Health: He will have flatulence, jaundice, and pains in legs and knees, stomach problem. He will be addicted to drugs
Female Native
Females born in Ashlesha will also enjoy almost all the results mentioned for the male natives
1. Physical features: Most of the females born in this Nakshatra are not good looking. However, if Mars is associated in this Nakshatra, she will have beautiful figure
2. Character and general events: She will be self-restrained and will possess non-caring attitude. The inherent quality of shyness in the females is present in a greater degree in the case of Ashlesha born females. Her moral is of a very high order. She will enjoy good respect and recognition from her relations. She has the capacity to conquer her enemies mainly through vocabulary twisting
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: She will be very efficient in her official work. She maybe, if educated, employed in an administrative capacity. Illiterate females may be engaged in selling fishes or work in the agricultural field
4. Family Life: She is very efficient in the household administration. She should be careful while dealing wit in-laws, as there is a possibility of making some plot against her so as to create friction with her husband
5. Health: Joint pains, hysteria, dropsy, jaundice and indigestion. She will have frequent nervous breakdown
10 . MAGHA
Translation: The Mighty One
Deity: Pitris
You are forthright and honest. You have a positive attitude and a very balanced outlook. You have a commanding personality and are very knowledgeable about various issues. People look up to you for guidance. You respect others and in turn expect respect from them. You have strong leadership skills and yearn to get to the top. You have a tendency to be arrogant, which combined with your bluntness and honesty may alienate some people. You will enjoy a harmonious marital life. However you if you are too demanding of your family you may face problems.
Your honesty and compassion makes you ideally suited to work in the social sector. Also Magha being the Nakshatra of royalty you may well be elevated to high position in life. You may do well in business or in public or private spheres. You can amass a lot of wealth. You are a brilliant planner and organiser and are always in command of a situation.
Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from diseases like asthma, epilepsy or cancer. Women should watch out for uterine problems.
Male Natives
1. Physical features: He has a prominent neck and a hairy body. There is a mole in the hands and also beneath the shoulder. Medium size height. Innocent looking countenance
2. Character and general events: He is very enterprising. He will respect elders. He will be God fearing. He enjoys his life. He is expert in various sciences and soft spoken. He likes to lead a noiseless life. The native will be receiving honor and recognition from the learned persons. He has good knowledge about various arts
He will devote his valuable time for the expansion of his culture and actively involves in various cultural activities
His dealing with others will be with a well thought planning and he doesn't want to hurt the feelings of others. In case any of his action is responsible for hurting the feeling of others, he is immediately tries to rectify such action. He also does not like any person who makes hindrance or causes troubles to others. That is why there may be several hidden enemies in the native's life. He is hot-tempered. He cannot tolerate any action or activity which is not within the purview of truth. But this mental feeling leads him into a state of failures. Selfishness is a remote question for him. He does several things for the community or society not with the intention of getting anything in return but for mental satisfaction. This is the reason why the native is able to catch the eyes of the public
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: He will have many servants and great wealth. In the professional field he cannot attain much success in the material field as he is not business minded and mainly due to his straightforwardness. However, he will be a fitting example of sincerity and hard work. this inherent quality of sincerity and hard work do sometimes pay him some lift but not to the extent when we see the balance. He is bound to change his field of earning business. Once he takes a decision, he will stick to that decision. His dealings with his superiors and subordinates are very cordial and most technical. Hence he is able to be a link between his boss and subordinates
4. Family life : Most of the Magha born male natives will enjoy a happy and harmonious married life. He has to shoulder several responsibilities, to be more specific, burden of his co-borns
5. Health: He may suffer from night blindness, cancer if Saturn and Mars jointly aspects Moon in this Nakshatra or conjoin in this Nakshatra, asthma or epilepsy
Female Natives
1. Physical features: A most beautiful and attractive feature. If Saturn aspects Moon in this Nakshatra, she will have long bunch of hair
2. Character and general events: While she is fond of quarreling and anger is at her nose, she is charitable, god fearing. She will enjoy royal comforts. She can attain mastery over both house-hold and official activities. She is religiously much inclined. Whenever somebody is in trouble she will help them without any selfish motive
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: If Jupiter is also placed in this Nakshatra, she will be employed in a very high position or she will be like a queen i.e. her marriage will be with a wealthy person
4. Family life : One of the drawbacks for the female native born in this Nakshatra is that she invites friction in the family, make conflict between her husband and in-laws, resulting in mental torture for everybody in the family. This mental tendency must be curbed for a happy family life. She will have good children, preferably the first will be a son and next two daughters
5. Health: Her eyes may be affected. Blood disorders, uterine trouble and hysteria. She may also have jaundice.
Translation: The Fig Tree
You are attractive and personable able to draw a large number of people towards yourself and make friends easily. You have a sophisticated and dignified bearing. You tend to be scrupulously honest and cannot stand back quietly and watch any illegal activity. You are also single minded and determined and once your mind is made up, there is no stopping you. This trait often causes you to step on a lot of toes and hurt people. It would be wise for you to plan and organise well before starting out on a project. You should be careful with your finances or you may incur a lot of debt.
You often take things to heart and can lapse into a depression when hurt or neglected. You should be honest with your feelings and discuss them rationally and calmly. You will do well in the legal field as well as in law enforcement as it is important for you to defend moral values. Your marital life will be happy though you will require constant reassurance and love from your partner. Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from ailments like asthma and related breathing troubles, dental problems and abdominal complications.
Male Natives
1. Physical features: He has attractive personality. A stout body with mixed colour. Frequent sweating. A snubbed nose
2. Character and general events: He likes full freedom. It is seen that the native becomes famous in one or the other field. However, his mind will be full of disturbances on one or the other matter. He has inherent intuitive powers to know the problems of others. Hence, even before the helpl is requested for, the native extends his helping hand tothe needy. He has sweet speech. He is fond of travelling
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: He cannot be a slave to anybody. Because of this quality often noticed that he will not take up a job which involves subordination in its true meaning. There is a drawback in the native, that he cannot be a 'yes master' even to his boss in the case of employed persons. Hence he is not in a position to derive much benefit from his superiors
He wants to be sincere in all the work he undertakes. Neither he can be a party to any illegal activities not has he the power of tolerance to see such activities. This condition of his mind drags him into several complications in life and he is ready to face such problems. He does not like to get any benefit at the cost of others pocket. There will be several hidden enemies to him. Hence, such enemies stand as a main obstacle in the progress. However, the native is able to crash suchenemies and attain much success in all the work he undertakes. He is a power monger. He gives preference to the lposition and authority rather than money. He observes right path to the progress and may devote his valuable time for such a cause. Even though the native is able and intelligent he cannot reach the place where he thinks to be. It does not mean that the native will not rise in the life
In the employment field, he will frequently change his job, particularly at the age of 22,27, 30, 32, 37 and 44 years. He will attain the requisite position only after his 45th years of age. While he does not want other's money he will be frequently in trouble in the financial matters from others. In other words, borrowers will not return the money to him
In spite of all the adverse positions mentioned above he, after his 45th years of age, will reach a good positiion where power and authority vests in him. In the business field he can shine well
4. Family life: His married life will be happy. He will have good wife and children and also derive much happiness from them. In some cases it has been noticed that the native does not marry the girl of his choice. He will lead a life away from his native place and other family members
5. Health: His health will generally be good. However, he is prone to dental disease, abdomen problem adn diabitics. Even so, no permanent nature of disease is noticed in the native
Female natives
1. Physical features: Medium height with round face and a long nose. Double chin. Overall an attractive personality
2. Character and general events: She is polite, agreeable temper, virtuous and has the knowledge of arts. She does charitable deeds. She will be happy. She does righteoud deeds. In spite of all the good characteristics mentioned above, she has one peculiar quality of selfimposed showy image and believes taht there is none above her. This tendency must be curbed for success in life
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: Her learning is towards scientific subjects. Attains a good degree of education. She maybe a lecturer. She will have reasonable wealth
4. Family life: She has a loving husband and good children. She is also a duty bound wife. She is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of family and she always remembers the persons who have rendered some helping hand at the time of need. However, she can be called an obstinate daredevil. According to her, she is the most intelligent member in her family and others are fools. This attitude takes her to the path of frequent friction between the family memebrs. She cannot have a cordial relation with her neighbours. It is mainly due to her arrogance in regard to money and position of her husband
5. Health: Suffers from frequent menstrual trouble, asthama, jaundice or breathing trouble
Translation: The latter red one
Deity: Bhaga
By nature you are calm, composed and unwavering. You charm your way into people's hearts. Though you are flexible, you have very strong moral convictions. You are a cheerful person and take the trials and tribulations of life in your stride. You possess an independent frame of mind. Some of you may have some problems regarding your temper. You will need to develop more tolerance. You should guard against becoming arrogant and vain. It is important that you do not become too self-focussed. Volunteer work with social and charitable organisations will bring you good luck.
You tend to be hard working and will do well in life. You will especially be successful in careers that are associated with new beginnings like construction industry, hospitality industry, event planning, publicity management etc. You may also do well in public dealings and earn well out of commissions and royalties.
Marital life is pleasant and contented.
Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from ailments like dental problems, gastric problems and bodily discomforts.
Male Natives
1. Physical features : Normally a tall and fat figure. Large countenance and long nose. A black mole in the right side of his neck
2. Character and general events : The native enjoys a happy existence. He is lucky in several respects. He has a neat behaviour. He shows extreme sincerity in all the work he undertakes. Religiously also he is much inclined. He enjoys good reputation for his social work
While he is clean hearted, he is hot tempered also. He does not have the requisite patience or tolerance
Once he heats up, it will be very difficult to calm him. But later on he repents over such expressions when it is too late. However, he will not admit his fault at any cost. Even if he is convinced that he has done a wrong thing he will not admit the fact. However, he has good reasoning and is tactful
3. Education, sources of earnings / profession : He has an independent nature. However, he undertakes all the responsibilities and does the same in a perfect manner. He does not like to deceive others or to be deceived by others. He can shine well in the profession or work where public contact is required. This success is attributable to the inherent quality of behavioural techniques. However, he earns a good amount as commission out of the public dealings. He is not sincere in his own affairs, whereas he is sincere in other's work. Once he takes a decision nobody can change the decision. Since he is a born hard-working person he can reach a good position through his hard work. He is suited to the profession as a teacher, writer or research fellow in the scientific field. In some cases it has been noticed that he earns extra money out of tuitions
Period upto 32 years of age will be a period of complete darkness. Thereafter slight upward trend commence upto 38 years of age. From his 38th age onwards, his progress is much faster and achieves much of his desires. A smooth sailing in his life goes on upto his 62 years of age. He will be lucky to earn fame and wealth during his fifties. He has only self acquired assets. He is good in mathematics or engineering, astronomy and astrology. He can also be successful in advertising business
4. Family life : His married life will be more or less good. He is quite contended with his family life. His wife will be most efficient
5. Health : His health will be generally good. However, he is prone to body ache, dental problems, gastric trouble, liver and intestine problems
Female Natives
Females born in his Nakshatra will also enjoy more or less the same results as mentioned in the case of male natives born in this Nakshatra, in addition to the following results:
1. Physical features : Medium height, soft body, medium complexion, nose a little bigger. A peculiar identification mark in the form of a black mole on the face has been noticed in this native
2. Character and general events : She will have very calm and simple nature. She does not keep enemity for long. She is principled, always joyful
3. Education, sources of earnings / profession : She has inherent mathematical aptitude or scientific background. Hence she is fitted for the profession of teacher or lecturer or in administrative field. She may also be associated with sanitary department or hospitals. She may also earn money as a model or as an actress
4. Family life: She can enjoy happiness from her husband and children. She is very clever in managing domestic work. Her husband will be moderately wealthy. She must curb the tendency of pomp and show as she is likely to become the object of jealous neighbours, who may create unexpected problems in her family life in alliance with her in-laws
5. Health: Generally she does enjoy good health. However, possible diseases for this native are Asthma of mild nature, menstrual trouble, severe headache
13 . HASTA
Translation: Hand
Deity: Savitri
You are generally tall and well built. You have a magnetic personality and it is impossible to remain unimpressed with you. You have a selfless and helpful nature. You are a very creative person and work very well with your hands. Your talent will bring you name and recognition. You are hard working and dedicated and this propels you towards success. You have a very competitive nature that makes you seek success, often for its own sake. You often take things to heart and can lash out at others, when hurt or neglected. You should be honest with your feelings, and discuss them rationally and calmly. You should be careful of overindulgence. Also, try to be sympathetic to others and be sensitive to their needs.
You will be successful in areas that require you to use your creativity as well as work with your hands. Those born under this nakshatra are good at organising and managing things. You will also excel at jobs, which involve a lot of travelling.
Marital life will be happy and contented.
You could be plagued by minor bodily ailments like cough and cold, Breathing trouble, asthma etc. Overindulgence may lead to high blood pressure and heart ailments.
Male Natives
1. Physical features: The native is tall and stout. Mixed colour with short hands comparing to the body structure. There will be a scar mark on the upper right hand or beneath the shoulder
2 Character and general events: The native will have a calm nature. There is a peculiarity while he is smiling i.e. his sweet smile has the magnetic power to attract others. This inherent quality produces a vibration on others and it becomes difficult to leave the native once such acquaintance takes place. He can easily get respect and honor from the public. He is always in readiness to help the needy for nothing in return. He does not like to deceive others even if it costs him his life. In spite of this good quality, the reward he gets in return is nothing but criticism and opposition. He does not believe in a posh living
Unlike other Nakshatra born persons, the life of Hasta native is full of frequent ups and down. At one moment he rises to the top and another moment he falls to the bottom whether in profession al field or in the mental world. In other words, luck and unluck comes to them without intimation. Hence we cannot categorise him as a permanent poor or wealthy. When he enters in a particular field and starts gaining the object, reversal is already in store for him. While he tries to get out of such reversal with his own effort, helps comes to him from the unexpected quarters and he achieves medium success in the undertaking. It may appear that there is some hidden curse on the native as otherwise, the sincerity and hard work which he shows in every work, should have given him a wonderful boost
While the native does not want to cause any trouble to others, once he is hurt, he will always be in search of revenge, but at the same time takes consolation in the feet of god by thinking that let god give him the punishment and he slowly withdraws from the scene of conflict
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: In the work field, he keeps strict discipline. Normally employment in a subordinate level is not fit for him. Only very few cases where the Hasta native is working in a low level job has been found. Most of the cases either they are engaged in business or in a high position in the industries
Hasta native even with a preliminary academic background will possess excellent all-round knowledge. He will show to the world that he is not being anybody on any matter. He is a good adviser as he has the capacity to intervene and settle various disputed matters. Lot of responsibilities will have to be undertaken by him before he can climb one step of ladder of success
Period up to his 30th years of age will bring in unexpected circumstantial changes both in the family front as well as in the academic and professional or business field. Period between 30 to 42 years of his age will be his golden period, when the native can settle down in his life. If the native lives beyond 64 years of age, there will be remarkable accumulation of wealth and all-round success in the business field
4. Family life: He is able to enjoy an idle married life, even though occasional friction as is expected in a family will definitely be there. His wife will be a homely lady with all good qualities expected from a house wife. One of the hidden factors noticed in the wife of a hasta native is that she may indulge in homo-sexual activities in her youth period
5. Health: He is prone to have severe cough and cold, frequent emanation of water from the nose and clotting of such fluid, asthma or cynos
Female Natives
Female natives born in Hasta Nakshatra also will enjoy more or less the same results as mentioned for a male native born in Hasta native. In addition, they will also enjoy the following results:
1. Physical features: Her eyes and ears will be extremely beautiful and entirely different from those born in other Nakshatras. A typical shoulder. Very attractive with soft body
2. Character and general events: She will have the inherent shyness of a female sex. While she will respect the elders, she may not like to live like a slave. She will not hesitate to express her views openly. She is not bothered about the outcome of such expression. Hence she is subjected to enmity from her relatives. If she curbs the tendency of open expression of her views she can attain good amount of success in the family front and enjoy her life in full
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: In most of the cases, hasta female is not employed mainly due to good financial stability of her parents as well as her husband. In some cases it has been noticed that hasta female, if born in a poor family is employed in the agricultural field and in the construction activities
4. Family life: She can enjoy a happy married life. Her husband will be wealthy and loving. She can enjoy good benefit from her children. First will be a son and followed by two daughters
5. Health: Her health will generally be good. However, she may have high blood pressure and twisting of veins, asthma in her old age.
Translation: Brilliant
Deity: Twastry
You are graceful and sophisticated. You easily stand out in a crowd. You are well dressed and well groomed. You are also courageous, astute, intuitive, ambitious and popular. You are a lover of art and all things beautiful. You have an eye for detail and can arrange things in a manner that is aesthetically pleasing. Some of you may be drawn towards intellectual endeavours. Many of you will pursue higher education and will retain a lifelong thirst for knowledge. You are extremely knowledgeable and very concerned with political and social issues. You will be able to hold your own in intellectual discussions. You have a powerful urge to be proved right and often, this makes you aggressive.
Activities and careers that will suit you are: Research, teaching and intellectual pursuits, the visual arts, interior decoration, designing, landscaping etc.
You may face problems in your marital life that will need to be tackled with sensitivity. Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from ailments like kidney and bladder troubles, psychiatric and brain disorders etc. Women should be careful about uterine problems.
Male Natives
1.Physical features : He has a lean body. He can be recognized or identified even from a crowd of hundreds of people through his magnificent dealings and expressions
2. Character and general events : He is very very intelligent and peace loving. He will not hesitate to go to any extreme for the sake of selfish benefits. There is a hidden inherent Godly gift for this Nakshatra born i.e., the ideas or opinions or advice expressed by him would initially appear to be a sheer nonsense but later on the same idea or opinion or advice will only prevail upon. There is also an inherent gift of intuition. Hence he is the type of person who is very much fit for the Astrological profession where intuition is very much needed
In some cases, it is also noticed that the native quite often see a lot of dreams which are actually becoming true. This would indirectly indicate that a divine power is automatically installed in the brain of Citra born
He is the type of person who is not bothered about the sentiments of others nor is he selfish to others. But in spite of this adamant attitude his dealings with the poorer section of the society will be very cordial and full of kindness. Quite often he is mistaken by others that he is very rude and stingy. He has a tendency of giving reply on any matter without forethought and he wakes up at the eleventh hour and try to rectify his utterances when it is too late
He has to confront his enemies at every step but he is capable of escaping any conspiracy. He has soft corner for the down trodden people and he devotes his time and energy for the uplift of this section of the society. But one of the hidden factors is that initially his approach to the down trodden will be without any selfish motive, which later on culminates into selfish motive
3. Education, sources of earnings / profession : Obstacles in the life is not a hurdle for the advancement for him. He can overtake all these hurdles with his courage and hard work. He will not be leading a comfortable life up to the age of 32 years. Period between 33 years and 54 years of age will be his golden period
One of the redeeming features of Citra born is that he gets help and reward from unexpected quarters without putting much efforts. From several horoscopes examined by me, it is seen that the age of 22, 27, 30, 36, 39, 43 and 48 years of age will be very bad in all respect. The native may earn as a sculptor or mechanic or as a factory employee or the native will be in the political arena or the native may be be an engineer or a textile technologist
4. Family life : While on the one hand he sincerely loves his co-borns, and parents, on the other hand he suspects the activities of the co-borns and parents. Citra born cannot, in most of the cases enjoy the benefit, love and affection from his father. It is also noticed that the father of the native leads a separated life. In any case, he has a life away from his father. One of the points noticed is that his father in spite of separation from the native have some distinct identity of his own i.e., will be famous or known in a particular field. He is more attached to his mother and enjoy benefits from the maternal side
There is a saying that the Citra born cannot stay in the house where he is born. Either the native will leave the house and settle down somewhere else or the house he is born itself will be sold or destroyed. In other words, he will be settling down in an unknown and distant place away from his native house
Normally he cannot enjoy a happy married life. When we say a happy married life, while the marriage will be stable the relationship between the couples will not be cordial leading to frequent friction on small matters. He has to shoulder lot of responsibilities and face lot of criticisms throughout his life
5. Health : Inflammation of kidney and bladder, brain fever, diseases connected with worms. Abdominal tumors or appendicitis also have been noticed
Female Natives
Females born in this Nakshatra will also equally enjoy the same results mentioned above for the male natives, except that the females are more subjected to the hands of unlucky fate
1. Physical features : She has a beautiful envious body. She will be tall with equally matched fleshy body. While she has natural long hair, she in the modern world will have a cut hair
2. Character and general events : Her eagerness for excess of freedom and unrespectable behavior makes problems still complicated. She is proud for no merits. A veracious and sinful, laziness. She will have very few friends. Commits sinful deeds
3. Education, sources of earnings / profession : She will have her education in science subjects. She may be a nurse or a model or a film actress. If planets are not well or moderately placed, she may be employed in agricultural field
4. Family life : Unless the horoscope of a female native is compared properly there is likelihood of death of the partner, divorce or complete absence of pleasure from the husband. In some cases, childlessness is also noticed. She is advised to observe the remedial measures mentioned at the end of this mentioned at the end of this chapter for a happy existence
15 . SWATI
Translation: The lead goat in a herd
Deity: Vayu
You are a kind and caring person, who often gets involved with other's problems. You are an astute and intelligent person, to whom people come for guidance. Peaceful and good-natured, you cannot be corrupted or manipulated. You are single-minded and fiercely ambitious and will stop at nothing to achieve your goals. You have a strong sense of justice and harmony. You are broad-minded and attract people from diverse backgrounds. You will do well to attend to your finances or you may incur a lot of debt.
Many of those born under this nakshatra will be involved in religious or social work. You are ideally suited to work in the social sphere. You could also be involved in religious organisations and politics. Some of you will do well in professions related to medicine and drugs, chemicals, precious metals and travel industry.
You tend to focus too much on your social work and this may create friction within the family.
Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from ailments like pain in the joints, heart trouble, abdominal problems etc.
Male Natives
1. Physical features : One of the peculiar features of Swati born is that his under part of the feet will appear to be curved and the ankle risen. His feature is very attractive to the women folk. His body will be fleshy type
2. Character and general events: He is a peace loving person, but adamant and independent. He does not like neither to swallow others property nor ready to part with his own property. He does not like criticism of his work. Once he loses temper, it will be very difficult to calm down. Hence for a better tomorrow it would be better if he uses his proper balance of mind
He is willing to extend any helping hand to others provided his own freedom is not questioned. He keeps limit of respect to be given to others irrespective of the position or level of persons that is to say he is not hypocritical in giving respect. He is the best friend in need and worst enemy of the hated. He does not hesitate to take revenge on the persons who is against him. His childhood days will be full of problems. He initially tries to give protection and helping hand to the most dear and near ones but he changes his mind later on due to the unwanted criticism received from such persons
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: His intelligence and capacity to do the work are excellent. He has to suffer, financially and mentally, even if born in a wealth family, till his 25th years of age. However, he cannot expect much progress and advancement in profession or business up to the age of 30 years. Thereafter he can have a golden period up to his 60 years of age
The native will earn through the profession as Gold Smith, travelers or drug seller, an actor or dramatist or a textile worker; may join defense (navy); one may be an astrologer or a translator; the native may be a mechanical engineer
4. Family life : His married life will not be so much congenial. For the outsiders it would seem that they are the most adjustable couple but in reality they are not
5. Health: Normally the native has a very good health. However, as every human being has to have certain diseases, he is also prone to diseases connected with the abdomen, heart, piles and arthritis
Female Natives
Females will enjoy a little different result than those mentioned above
1. Physical features: She can be distinctively identified from the way of her walk because she is very slow in walking
2. Character and general events: She is sympathetic and loving, virtuous and enjoys a very high social position. Fond of religious rites. She is truthful. Have many friends. She will win over enemies. While most of the women folk prefer to wander, this native is not inclined to do so
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: In case she takes up some employment she will attain much fame even beyond anticipation. As the fate would have it, while she does not like to travel, she is forced due to circumstances to accept a job where more traveling is involved
4. Family life: She will have to act against her consciousness in regard to moral due to some peculiar circumstances and atmosphere prevalent in the family. However, she will enjoy complete satisfaction from her children
5. Health: Outwardly her health will not look to be very good. But internal constitution is weak. She may suffer from bronchitis, asthma, breast pain, broken feet ankles and uterus trouble
Translation: Forked Branch
Deity: Indra and Agni
You have an attractive personality and are quick-witted. You are very popular, especially with members of the opposite sex. You are very intelligent, needing constant mental stimulation. You prefer the company of like-minded people. You are an excellent communicator, and you write and speak well. You attract a large number of people and make many friends. You have a strong sense of justice and harmony and when you see people being treated unfairly, you speak up.
You will have to guard against sarcasm and speaking negatively about people.
Careers that will suit you: Journalism, sales and marketing, writing.
Those born under this nakshatra are likely to have a very happy marital life and will make good marriage partners.
Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from ailments like paralysis, kidney and bladder trouble, hormone deficiencies etc.
Male Natives
1. Physical Features: His face will be round, bright and physical appearance extremely attractive. We have noticed two types of physical appearance i.e. one with fatty and long structure and the other with very lean and short structure
2. Character and general events: He will have full of vigor and vitality as also intelligence of the highest order. He is firm believer of god and leads a life of truthful existence. He does not believe in the orthodox principles not the age old tradition. He is fond of adopting modern ideas
Mostly he lives away from his family. He is ready to give weight to others in excess of what is actually required depending on the weight of the persons to whom he is dealing in. Slavery is suicidal for him. While he is very much religiously active, he does not follow any superstitious religious fanaticism. He treats all religions, castes and creed as one. He is a follower of Gandhian philosophy of 'Ahimsa Paramodharma' (Religion is Non-violence) and 'Truth is God'. In certain cases I have seen that such type of persons accept Sanyasa (saintism) when they touch 35 years of age. When we sanyasa it does not mean that complete detraction from the 'Grihastashram' (duty towards the family). He will simultaneously look after the family and follow sanyasa
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: He is a very good orator and has the capacity to attract crowd. He will win several prizes in elocution competition. Hence he is the fittest person to be in the political circle. There is a peculiar spending tendency in him. While on the one side he is very stingy on the spending on the other side he is extravagant in the spending where it is not required
He is fit for doing an independent business, job involving high responsibility, banking and religious professions, mathematician or a teacher or a printer
4. Family life: He cannot enjoy love and affection of mother. One of the primary reasons for such lack of care may either due to mother's death or unavoidable circumstances and atmosphere which warrant his mother to be away from the native. There may be several beneficial points of his father with which he can always be proud of. Even then, not much help will be derived from his father also. In other words, we have to come to a conclusion that the native leads more or less a life of an orphan. There may be a lot of difference of opinion between his father and him on several points where an amicable settlement on any matter may not be possible. It is due to these reasons he is right from the childhood a hardworking and self made person
He loves his wife and children very much. Even so, he has two bad qualities. One is that he is addicted to alcohol and another is that he indulges in too much sex with other ladies. In spite of these weaknesses he will not make this weaknesses as hindrance either in the family or social life
5. Health: Since has has inherent vigor and vitality given by the god, his health will normally be very good. However, he is prone to paralytic attack. I have in more than 70 percent of Vishakha born people noticed this paralytic attack after the age of 55 years. In the remaining 30 percent cases, I have every doubt that the native could not provide me the correct birth time as otherwise the same symptom of paralytic attack would have in one form or the other present in them. It is also seen that they are prone to asthmatic attack
Female Natives:
Females born in this Nakshtra will enjoy more or less the same results mentioned for the male natives and in addition they will enjoy the following results:
1. Physical features: Her features extremely beautiful. This inherent godly gift of attractive physical features normally attract the men folk and she has to face lot of problems on this account
2. Character and general events: She has a very sweet tongue. She is expert in the household activities and if employed in the official activities also. Arrogance is very rarely noticed in these females. She does not believe in pomp and show and she is very simple. She does not like to increase her beauty by make up. She is subject to jealousy of other female friends and relatives. She is a firm believer of religious principles and quite often observe fast and perform poojas and visit holy places frequently
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: She is interested in poetry. If there are other good planetary combinations, particularly when Moon and Venus are together, she may become a famous writer. She will have academic excellence in arts or literature
4. Family life : She treats her husband as her god. Her religious attitude will confer love and affection from her in-laws. As she looks after the welfare of all family members and even distant relations, she will have power and authority conferred on her. She will have more attachment to her father-in-law. She may frequently be visiting sacred places
5. Health: She will generally have good health. However, she is prone to kidney trouble, goiter and weakness due to homo-sexuality
Translation: Success
Deity: Mitra
You are spirited, fun loving and well liked. You have an attractive personality and make a lot of friends. Strong and determined, you are also very ambitious. You achieve all your goals as you have a "never say die" attitude. You are spiritually inclined and may dabble in astrology and the occult. Some of you may be creative, especially in the performing arts. Many of you will shine in social and political fields.
You profession may take far away from your place of birth. Some of you may be successful in business. Careers that will suit you: Sales and marketing, Astrology, Spiritual guidance and counselling, Business etc.
You will have a satisfactory marriage but you will have to be sensitive to your partner's needs. Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from minor bodily ailments like asthma, breathing trouble, cough and cold and dental problems.
Male Natives
1. Physical features: The native will have a beautiful face with bright eyes. In some cases where combination of planets is not good, the native has cruel looks
2. Character and general events: He is liable to face several obstacles in his life. Even then he has special aptitude to handle the most difficult situation in a systematic way. However, if we look at his face, a peculiar frustrated face can be noticed. The main reason for such a gloomy appearance is the problems, which he has to confront on several occasions. to be more specific, there will not be peace of mind in his life. Even a smallest problem will start pinching his mind repeatedly runs after one and the same problem
He always think of taking revenge whenever opportunity comes. In spite of these drawbacks he is the most hardworking and ever ready to complete the task before him. Come what may, march forward is the motto of this native. Here I may add that after several reversals he ultimately achieves the desired result
He is a firm believer of god. He cannot keeps a permanent stable relationship with anybody. His life is full of helplessness but independent. Even in several reversals he will not leave optimism
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: He can be successful in the business field. If he is employed he has a special caliber of how to pocket his superiors. He starts earning his bread at quite young age say on or about 17 or 18 years of age. Life between the period of 17 years to 48 years of age. Life between the period of 17 years to 48 years of age will be full of problems. When we say full of problems, it does not mean that there will not be any good period in between the above-mentioned period. Occasional, benefits and favorable results will be definitely noticed. The life after the age of 48 years will be extremely good. It is in this period he can settle down n his life to the desired way and become free from most of the miseries of the life. If Moon is in the company of Mars, he may be a person dealing with drugs and chemicals or a doctor
4. Family life: No benefit will be derived from the co-borns under any circumstances. He cannot enjoy or derive any benefit from his father. In some cases, frequent friction with his father has also been noticed. Same way there is no luck of receiving love and affection from the mother also. Normally, he settles down away from the place of his birth. Even though several adverse results have been commented above, one of the favorable points is that his married life will be completely satisfactory. His spouse will have all the qualities of a good housewife.
As is the god's gift, he always looks back to his life while dealing with his own children and at any cost he likes to provide all necessities of life as far as possible and the love and affection. Hence his children reach a height position, much more than that of the native
5. Health: His health will generally be good. He will be prone to asthmatic attack, dental problems, cough and cold, constipation and sore throat. Due to non-care nature of his own health he does not take medicines properly
Female Natives
1. Physical features: Her face is innocent looking. Even an ugly looking woman with beautiful waist is attracted to man. Whereas, in the Anuradha native, in addition to her attractive face and beautiful body her beautiful waist is further added to her attraction to males
2. Character and general events: There is no room for arrogance in her life. She is pure hearted. She does not believe a life of fashion whereas she likes to lead a simple life. A selfless, agreeable and attractive disposition. She can shine well in social and political field. She will respect her elders. Her friends will cordon her as if she is the head of friend's circle
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: She will be more interested in music and fine arts. She may obtain an academic degree or high degree of knowledge in music or dance. Professional dancers are also found to have been born in this Nakshatra
4. Family life: She is very much devoted to her husband and observes religious norms. She can be called as a model mother as far as upbringings of her own children are concerned. Her devotion to her in-laws pours further glory in her personal life
5. Health: She may suffer from irregular menses. Severe pain will be felt at the time of bleeding, as the flow of spoiled blood will be quite intermittent. In some cases it has been told that, after appearance of monthly menses, there will be break for some hours or for one or two days before commencing actual flow. She may also suffer from headache, nasal catarrh
Translation: Eldest
Deity: Indra
You are an attractive personality, full of vitality and energy. You are loving and generous. You are engrossed in family matters and feel responsible for the members of your family. Sometimes you feel resentful and bitter about being encumbered by responsibility. You achieve success early in life. Your attractive personality and essential good nature wins you many friends. You are an expert at working with your hands and at fashioning metals.
Success will come to you after the age of twenty-one. Careers that will suit you are: Engineering, Metallurgy, Chemical engineering, Architecture, construction, interior designing etc.
Married life is happy and you will have very supportive spouses.
Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from minor bodily ailments like pain in the joints, cough and cold, sleeplessness etc. Women could suffer from uterine problems.
Male Natives
1. Physical features: He has a very good physical stamina and attractive countenance. It may be noticed that most of the persons born in this Nakshatra have defective teeth, either the teeth will have gap between them or bulged out. If these two defects are not there, then the colour of teeth will be different
2. Character and general events: He is very clean in his mind and is very sober. But these good qualities will not be noticed by others as he does not believe in show. He cannot face even a small problem. He is the type of person to whom no secret should be told or given. He cannot keep anything hidden in his mind even if it pertains to his own life. Unless he keeps it open to others he feels that something is missing in his life and good sleep is disturbed. Several persons born in this nakshatra have been coming to me and complaining that they do get good sleep. When the reason for such a state of affairs was enquired into, they have all admitted that a peculiar vibration takes place in their mind and unless the reason for that vibration is leaked out they cannot rest. So they always wait for the next morning and try to tell these things to the persons who meet them first
He is hot tempered and obstinate. Due to this temperament he often faces a lot of problems and forms a wall to his progress in life. He never accepts the advice given by others+, whereas he acts upon his own consciousness
For the sake of principle he takes on the spot decisions on several matters without seeing the opportunity and circumstances, which ultimately leads him to a precarious state. Due to the condition of the hot temperament he will not hesitate to cause problems and troubles even to those who rendered him all possible help when required and even ill treat those persons. He cannot expect any help from the relations. Outwardly, he appears to be very proud but when we go closer to him it will be evident that it is just the opposite
He must keep away all drugs and alcohol as he is prone to go out of control quickly which will spoil his hard earned reputation, put an hindrance to his profession as also in the family life
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: He will leave his home at a very young age and seek refuge in a distant place. He has to earn his bread strictly due to his own effort. Because of the sincerity shown in the work field he normally come up quickly in any position he holds. Constant change of jobs or professions are noticed
Period up to 50 years of age will be full of trial and any stability in his life starts thereafter only. Period from 18 years of age to 26 years of age will be period of maximum troublesome. During this period he will have to undergo financial problems, mental agony as also in some case mental disarrangement. Period from 27th years of age will be a beginning of progress towards stability, even though the pace will be very slow up to his 50 years of age
4. Family life: He cannot expect any benefit from his mother and co-borns, whereas they become his enemies. He is generally disliked by his near and dear ones. This is mainly due to the fact that Jyeshta born likes to keep a separate identity and existence
His spouse will always have an upper hand and resist tooth and nail the activity of intoxication. While his married life will be completely harmonious and enjoy to the maximum occasional health problems of his wife or separation due to some unavoidable circumstances will greatly affect the mind of the native
5. Health: Frequent temperature, dysentery, cough and cold, asthmatic attach and stomach problems are the possible diseases. It is noticed that these people are affected with one or the other health problems frequently. He may also have severe pain in arms and shoulders
Female Natives
Females born in this Nakshatra will also enjoy more or less the same results mentioned for the male natives of Jyeshta Nakshatra. In addition, they will enjoy the following results:
1. Physical appearance: Well proportioned and muscular body with long arms. Height above average. Broad face, short and curly hair
2. Character and general events: She has strong emotions, passionate jealousies and deeper loves. She is intelligent, thoughtful, perceptive. She is more eager to know what other's talk of her. Although her natural inherent feminine character will not allow her to appear domineering, she is good organiser
3. Education, sources of income/profession: She is active in sports. Medium academic education. She is often contended herself in the home, seeking to enrich her own life through her husband's success. Hence most of the Jyeshta born females are not involved in any earning job
4. Family life: She lacks marital harmony and loss of children is also noticed. In some cases it has been that such native is subject to harassment by in-laws and several concoctions stories are framed against her. She has to be very very careful while dealing with her neighbors and relatives as they are persons who put poison in her life. A worriless period is very rarely available for her. Since she makes her own rule to be abide by her children, she will be neglected by her children as a vengeance to what she has done to them during childhood
5. Health: Her health will not be so good. It is seen that some of the females born in this Nakshatra suffer from disorder of the uterus. She is also prone to prostrate gland enlargement or pain in arms and shoulders
19 . MOOLA
Translation: The Root
Deity: Niritti
You have an attractive personality and ooze charm. You are therefore able to draw people towards you and influence them. You have a knack for getting to the heart of the matter and being very direct. You are flexible and unorthodox. Strong and determined, you are also very ambitious. You can sometimes be fiercely competitive and goal oriented. You are known for your direct approach and single-mindedness.
You will be financially successful and lead a materially comfortable life. Careers that will suit you: Politics, sales and marketing, finance, stock market, business, hydraulic engineering, sailing etc.
Married life is satisfactory though you will have to guard against sabotaging your relationship by getting too competitive with your mate.
Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from ailments like pain in the joints, Rheumatism, hip and backaches etc.
Male Natives
1. Physical features: He has good physical appearance. He will have beautiful limbs and bright eyes. He will be the most attractive person in his family
2. Character and general events: He has a very sweet nature and is a peace loving person. He has a set principle in his life. There is a general fear about the persons born in Moola Nakshatra. It isn't like that always. He can stand against any adverse tidal wave. He has the capacity to penetrate that wave and reach the destination
He is not bothered about tomorrow nor he is very serious about his own matters. He keeps all the happenings in the hands of god and become prey to optimism
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: He does not keep control of the balance of receipt and payment resulting in debt. He is the type of person who renders advice to others but not capable of keeping the same principles for his own use. This peculiar characteristic generally fits them for the profession of financial advise or religious advice
Since he is skilled in several fields there will be frequent changes of profession or trade but stability in this direction seems to be a very rare phenomenon. Because of this inherent quality of frequent changes he is always in need of money. Moola born have a peculiar characteristic of mixing with his friends. It is quite natural that when expenditure is more than income and the native is not ready to earn anything by illegal mode the balance will always be in the negative. Hence it is advisable that he must keep away such friends and while he believes that all that is taking place on the earth is due to the blessings of HE, he should also try to be a little selfish and find a way to improve the inflow of income
Out of all the28 Nakshatras, I have come to a conclusion that these are the people who devote their entire energy with utmost sincerity to their employers as also to any persons who have kept faith or trust in Moola born. A deep study of the life of these persons has revealed some facts about their separate entity than other Nakshatra born i.e. some sort of internal force or some external force is briefing the natives in all the work they undertake
He earns his livelihood in a foreign place. It is advisable that he must, as far as possible, try to get an opportunity either in the professional field or in the business field in a foreign land or country as he cannot have good luck in the native place; whereas he can have much better success in a foreign land
As already mentioned above, he is capable of shining in all walks of life, particularly i the field of fine arts, as a writer and in the social work
4. Family life: Excepting a few cases, it is seen that Moola born cannot have any benefit from his parents whereas he is all self-made. His married life will be more or less satisfactory. He gets a spouse with all the requisite qualities expected from a good wife
5. Health: Probable problems he will be affected with are tuberculosis, isnofelia, paralytic attack or stomach problem. Whatever may be the nature of disease it will not be visible in his appearance or face as even when he is critically ill, his expression and the attraction of the face will not change. Normally it is seen that the native is not in the habit of taking care of his own health. With the result, some severe health problems can be noticed in his 27th, 31st, 44th, 48th, 56th and 60th age
Once he is addicted to any drug it will be very difficult to control such addiction. Hence it must try to keep away from any material of intoxication
Female Native:
1. Physical features: Medium complexion -neither black nor white or swarthy in hot countries. Reddish colour in cold countries. Her principal teeth will not be close with great distance, wealthy sign
2. Character and general events: Mostly these natives are pure hearted. However, obstinacy cannot be ruled out. Even on small matters she will be very much adamant. Since she lacks knack of dealing she quite often lands into problems
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: Mostly, Moola born females do not acquire much education. These females don't show any interest in studies. Most of these females spent more than two terms in the same standard or class. Ultimately they leave further education. The only exception is that if Jupiter is placed in opposition i.e. aspects or placed in Magha Nakshatra, the native may be a doctor or employed in an envious position i.e. such females will have excellent academic record and reach to the top
4. Family life: Females born in this Nakshatra, unlike the males, cannot enjoy full conjugal bliss. she will have a separated life, mainly due to the death of her husband or divorce. This result cannot be blindly applied as other planetary positions of favorable nature will, blindly applied as other planetary positions of favorable nature will, to a certain extent, nullify the bad effects. There may be delay in the marriage and also some hurdles. If the position of Mars is unfavorable she will have to face a lot of problems either from her husband or from children
5. Health: She is prone to rheumatism, lumbago, hip or back ache combined with pain in arms and shoulders
Translation: The Former Unsubdued
Deity: Apa
You are caring, gentle nature and have many friends. You are a hard worker and will make an excellent manager. You are supportive and generous and go out of your way to help friends. You have a forgiving nature and do not hold grudges against others. You prefer a simple life above fame and fortune. You would make an excellent manager but would rather not take on responsibility.
Very often, people born under this nakshatra are unable to realise their full potential. The reason for this is not lack of talent or skill but a lack of ambition. You need to focus more on your career and education.
Careers and activities that will suit you: Financial planning, social work, NGO's volunteer work etc.
Spouse is usually compatible and married life, satisfactory.
Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from ailments like T.B. eosonophilia, muscular problems etc. Women could suffer from uterine problems.
Male Natives
1. Physical features: He will have lean and tall body. His teeth will be very beautiful, ears long, eyes bright, waist narrow and arms long. In other words, he has good attractive physical features
2. Character and general events: He has exemplary intelligence. There is a tendency of jumping to a conclusion on the matters he deals with. Nobody can defeat him in argument. He has extra-ordinary convincing power. He will not under any circumstance subdues to others, whether he is right or wrong. On the one side you can have a lot of advices from him but you cannot render any advice to him
While he expresses that he is very courageous he cannot reach that state unless he is forced either by circumstances or by persons to show the requisite courage. In decision making he is very poor. He finds it difficult to take decision even on small matters. Once he is aroused by instigation or argument he takes decision without thinking the merits and demerits of such action and he sticks to that decision till the end. Even if he is completely wrong in his steps, nobody can change his decision. Such is the obstinate character of the native
He likes to do a lot of things for others for nothing in return but he will be subjected to a lot of criticism. He derives maximum benefits from the unknown persons. He cannot keep any permanent relationship with anybody. If he can work with a particular aim with full sincerity he can reach to the top of life. He hates external show. He is God fearing, honest, humble and far from hypocrisy. He can never think of doing anything, which will disturb the progress of others
He will be highly religious and always interested in feeling revered class and will devote much of his time in puja or others religious acts. He is good collector of antiques. He may also take interest in writing poems
3. Education, sources of earning / profession: Even though he can shine in almost all the fields, he is particularly fit for doctor's profession or fine arts. He is advises not to venture for any business unless he has dependable employees or managers. He will be attracted to the studies of occult philosophy and sciences and he can shine well. Period up to 32 years of age will be period of trial and error. Thereafter he slowly starts climbing ladder of success. Period between 32 years and 50 years of age will be very good
4. Family life: He cannot enjoy any benefits from his parents. However, he will be lucky to have benefits from his co-borns, particularly from his brothers. He will be spending most of his life in foreign land
His married life will be more or less happy. His marriage may be delayed. In some cases it has been noticed that the marriage takes place in a most competitive way. He is more inclined towards his wife and in-laws. Even then there will be frequent disharmony between the couples. At last he finds peace in the company of his wife. He will be lucky to have the most talented and respectful children, who will bring name and fame to his family. There may be at the most two children
5. Health: While his outward appearance is extremely good, his internal constitution may not be good i.e., his health may not be good. It is quite often noticed that this native is prone to a particular incurable disease. Still he will not care for his health. He is prone to severe whooping cough, breathing trouble, bronchitis, tuberculosis, heart attack and malaria or isnofelia is also found in such native. Even in the state of critical illness he will not hesitate to jump into the work, which he feels, should be completed. He may face problems with his thighs. He must take care about his lungs, as he is liable to suffer from rheumatic pains
Female Natives
1. Physical features: She is extremely beautiful. Her almond eyes play the role of a magnet. Long nose and graceful look, fair complexion, brown coloured hair
2. Character and general events: She is intelligent. She has energy, enthusiasm, vigor and vitality. Hence she is greedy and aspiring for everything. However she is not obstinate. She can attain more success when adverse conditions prevail. She will weigh the merits and demerits of each case and come to a final decision after deep consideration. She will speak out what she feels is right whether others will digest it or not. She will be fond of dogs and other pet animals. She makes promises but will not be fulfilled. Tendency of hatred towards her parents and brothers has been noticed. She will be leader among her relations. A determined, truthful character
3. Education, sources of earnings / profession: Generally females born in this Nakshatra are educated. She may be a teacher, bank employee or attached to religious institutions. If mercury is also placed with Moon, she may earn as a publisher or writer
4. Family life: She is very good in household activities. When the age goes by, she develops more and more attachment to her husband, with the result her life becomes more and more happier. Benefit from the children will be to a limited extent only
5. Health: Her health will generally be good. In addition to the diseases mentioned in the case of male natives above, she will have acute disorder of the womb and uterus. Problems connected with thighs
Translation: The Latter Unsubdued
Deity: Vishwadevas
You have a tall well-proportioned body and tend toward thinness. You are interested in learning and in higher education. You are just, liberal and always ready to help the needy. You have a sunny disposition and are fun to be with. Your kindness and consideration has won you many friends. People look up to you and turn to you for help and guidance. Occasionally you should attend to your own needs too.
Careers that will suit you: Research, Teaching, Counselling, Intellectual activities, banking, publishing etc.
You will be lucky in love and you will have a happy marriage. You will prove to be a devoted spouse. Some of you may have more than one marriage though.
Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from complaints like stomach and abdominal ailments, eye problems.
Male Natives
1. Physical features: A well proportioned body. Broad head. tall figure. Long nose, bright eyes. Charming and graceful appearance with fair complexion
2. Character and general events: He will be refined, soft spoken, pure hearted and an innocent looking countenance. In case he happens to occupy a very high position in the society, he will not like to express pomp and show and will dress like a simple-ton. He gives respect to all and particularly women folk. He is god fearing. It is not easy for others to find out the underlying merits and demerits. It is only after several acquaintances and dealing one can come to a conclusion about the behavioral aspect of this native. In most of the cases, it has been noticed that there will be black mole around his waist or on the face. A slight reddish colour is noticed in his eyes
He will be very plain in his dealings and will show utmost sincerity in all the work he undertakes. He will not deceive others and would not like to cause any trouble to others. So much so, due to his inherent good behavior quality he often lands into uncalled for problems. While he is plain hearted, he will not subdue to any pressure and will not bestow full confidence on anybody. But once he takes into confidence a person nobody can change him. To certain extent, he is slave to flattery and expect that others must look after his welfare. He will not take any hasty decision, whereas full consultation. With trusted persons will be obtained before coming to a conclusion. While he is very much involved in all the activities he undertakes, usually he is a lazy fellow
Even in the state of conflict he cannot utter harsh words directly to any person and in spite of difference of opinion he will not like to express his unhappiness to others. Any discussion he makes with others will be without expressing any ill-will. He is bound to shoulder much responsibilities at a young age. Due to this he is fully trained to shoulder any responsibility with perfection. Once he is convinced that any action carried out by him or words uttered by him happens to be wrong he will not hesitate to repent and express sorry
His every action requires recognition by others. otherwise, he is dragged into the state of unhappiness. He is subjected to maximum happiness at one stage and the maximum unhappiness at the next
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: He has to be very careful in any controversial dealings. Before any collaboration is made, he has to completely screen the persons with whom he is entering into such collaboration. Otherwise, failure is certain. Period after the age of 38 years will mark all round success and prosperity
4. Family life: Normally his childhood willbe somewhat better. But later on he may have to face a lot of unexpected reversals and problems in the family front. It has noticed that between the age of 28 and31 years some important change takes place in the family circle
His married life will be more or less very good. He normally gets a responsible and loving wife. At the same time the health of the spouse will be a cause of concern for him. His wife will be having problems of acidity or uterus disorder. In spite of the comparative advantages mentioned above, he lacks happiness from the children whereas his children will be main cause of concern
5. Health: He is prone to stomach problems, paralysis of limbs, pulmonary diseases. Poor eyesight or some defects in the eyes
Female Natives
Females born in this Nakshatra will also enjoy more or less the same results mentioned above in the case of male natives. In addition the following results will be enjoyed:
1. Physical features: Her forehead will be much wider, nose larger, eyes attractive, teeth beautiful, body stout but not so beautiful hair
2. Character and general events: One of the worst qualities of these females is that they are the 'obstinate dare devil'. Her utterances are not well thought, whereas she jump into conflict with others. This category of females very well fit to the proverb "There are two horns for the rabbits I have got". In spite of this disadvantage she would like to lead a very simple life
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: Generally, females born in this Nakshatra are educated. she may be a teacher, bank employee or attached to religious institution. If Mercury is also placed with Moon, she may earn as a publisher or a writer
4.Family life: She cannot enjoy her married life in it's fullest sense whereas quite often her mind will be disturbed due to either husband's separation or some other problems connected with him. She is very much religiously inclined and observe all the religious formalities
She derives complete happiness and contentment by marrying a Revati or Uttara-Bhadra Pada boy
5. Health: She will have wind problems, hernia or uterus problems etc
Male Natives
1. Physical features: Medium height, well proportioned body. Magnanimous personality. Shining countenance and graceful expression. Penetrating looks
2. Character and general events: The native will be respected by the learned and respected class. His behaviour is extremely courteous. He will be famous in one or the other field. God fearing and religious. Soft spoken. Inherent optimism and ambition. Tendency for occult study
3. Education, sources of income/profession: He will be most learned highly placed and most famous man in his family. He will be engaged in a profession where much power and authority vests
4. Family life : More than one wife is indicated. Marriage comes to him around 23rd year. Large number of children. Does not follow family planning norms. Severe financial problem upto his 27th year. Thereafter there will not be any occasion when he will be short of money. There may be loss of children, one or two, when they will be in their twenties. Living children will reach a comfortable position. However, he will prefer to live with the eldest one
5. Health : Health will be poor during childhood. Parents of the native will have to spend several anxious moments due to the poor health condition of the native. However, His health will improve after his 20th year. He may suffer from piles, jaundice. There is a danger or risk to life when he is in his 19th or 20th year. If he can cut through that period, there will not be any serious health problem
Female Native
1. Physical features: Slim body with long face, long and double chin, large feet. She will be quite fat upto her 16th year
2. Character and general events: Subject to crossing her 18th year, a sudden unexpected positive event will take place. She is then a matured lady, who has thoroughly learned value of life after a severe jolt. She is everywhere. Her capacity to handle several works at a time is excellent. Excellent executive talent. She is the employee, She is the master and she is the owner i.e. she does not believe in distinction between employer and employee, she will mingle with her employees or subordinates. She will earn considerable wealth on her own effort
3. Education, sources of income/profession: Since she is optimistic and ambitious, she will make her own career. Business seems to be preference of the native rather than career
4. Family life: Since she hates the men folk due mainly to an unforgettable sexual assault on her at a very young age, on or about her 12 to 14 years of age, she may not be inclined to marry initially. However, marriage may take place between her 27 to 30th year. Her marital life will be good and will have good children
5. Health: Health will be very bad during childhood. May suffer from whooping cough, rheumatism, arthritics or skin diseases. Her 15th year will be most troublesome period. Parents are advised not to venture to scold the native. On the other hand, keep a watch over the native secretly and try to make her understand about her drawbacks, with love and affection. If she can prolong beyond the age of 18 years, there is nothing to worry, she is at the top thereafter
Translation: Ear of Hearing
Deity: The Maintainer
You are a kind and considerate person. You are neat and well ordered. You tend to walk the middle ground preferring neither extreme. You will be financially successful and lead a materially comfortable life.
Your organisational and leadership skills are well developed, and you may do well in business. You will make a good manager or project leader. You also like to spend a lot of time working for charitable organisations. You need to be careful with your finances or you may bankrupt your self.
Careers that will suit you: Engineering, management related jobs, charitable and social institutions etc. You will be happiest if you could work for charitable or social work organisations.
Your marital life will be extremely happy and blissful.
Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from ailments like eczema and skin diseases, T.B., Rheumatism etc.
Male Natives
1. Physical features : He has a very good attractive physical feature. Normally his height will be small. There will be a peculiar sign on his face, may be in the form of a mole or some other marks which appears to be a kind of disfigurement. In some cases it has been noticed that black mole beneath shoulder
2. Character and general events : He is very sweet in the speech and also maintain neatness in every work he undertakes. There is a set principle for him in his life. He expects his surroundings to be very clean and he dislikes the persons who do not have the tendency of maintaining neatness. Once he notices a person in untidy condition he will not hesitate to open his mouth. He takes pity on the condition of others and try to help others as far as possible. He likes to have a very neat and delicious food. It is because of this he is found to be a very good host
He is God fearing and has full Guru bhakti (respect to the teacher). He is a believer of 'Satyameva Jayate' (Truth only will win). He cannot expect much benefit or return from those persons whom he has helped whereas it has been noticed that he is subject to deceit from others. Even if a thief is caught by him, he will try to find out the truth of the circumstances which led that person to become a thief and if he is convinced he will let that fellow go. His inherent quality if peaceful appearance and the knack of dealings will penetrate to the minds of the public, hence he is fittest politician for the modern times. His one smile is enough for others to be attracted and once he is attracted they cannot forget the native
Whatever may be the ups and downs in his life, neither he will reach to the top nor he will be at the bottom. In other words, a mediocre life will be enjoyed by him
Even illiterate born in this Nakshatra will show complete maturity and will be eager to gather knowledge whenever they get opportunity
He is a very good adviser. Others will look upon him for solving individual as well as collective problems. He is a versatile genius. He has the ability and capacity to undertake different jobs at a time. If he is installed in a seat where some power and authority vests, he will shine well. He is always in search of authoritative job
Since he has to shoulder much responsibilities and spend for fulfilling his responsibilities he will always be in need of money. He will not like to take any revenge even to his bitterest enemies. On the other hand he will think that let the God give them the due punishment to them
3. Education, sources of earnings / profession : Normally period upto 30 years of age will undergo several changes. Period between 30 years to 45 years of age will mark stability in all walks of life. In case he goes beyond 65 years due to beneficial planetary positions he can expect remarkable progress both economical and social
The native is suitable for taking up mechanical or technical work or engineering. He may also be connected with petroleum or oil products
4. Family life : His married life will be filled with extra ordinary happiness. He will have most obedient wife with all good qualities that is expected of a wife. Even then occasional sex relationship with other ladies are not ruled out
5. Health : He may suffer from ear problem, skin disease, eczema, rheumatism, tuberculosis and indigestion
Female Natives
1. Physical features : She is tall and lean. Her head is comparatively big with broad face. She has large teeth. There will be distance between the front teeth. Prominent nose
2. Character and general events : She believes in charity. She is highly religious; hence she will visit several holy places. She is internally very cunning. However, sympathy towards the weak and generosity towards the needy are the notable features. She likes lot of show. She has the knack to adapt to the required circumstances but not in the matters concerning her husband. She is a 'chatter-box' without having any control over her tongue
3. Education, sources of earning / profession : She is a very good dancer and takes interest in various fine arts. Illiterate women will normally be engaged in agricultural field, digging wells etc. Other females with medium type of education are normally employed as typists, clerks or receptionist etc
4. Family life : Her family will always take pride in her name. However, since she wants perfection in all matters, she has to confront frequent friction with her husband. She cannot expect others to have the same perfection, hence for a happy home she should avoid such enforcement. As already mentioned above, while she can adapt to any circumstances, this behavior is applicable only with outsiders and not with her husband, whom she always looks upon to be a perfect gentleman
5. Health : She may be infected with some kind of skin disease. She is also prone to eczema, filarial, pus formation, tuberculosis. Leprosy of low intensity is also not ruled out. She may also have ear problem
Translation: Wealth
Deity: Vasus
You are a multifaceted personality with diverse interests. You are highly intelligent and possess all round knowledge. Your interests take up a lot of your time. You are skilled in your line of work. You are passionate about the past and spend time learning about it. You generally have the upper hand in intellectual discussions. You are a glib talker, though you often end up hurting others.
You are skilled in business, music and dance, astrology etc. You will do well in scientific research etc. Activities and careers that will suit you are: History, archaeology, art-restoration, museology etc. Some of you could do well in engineering and computer industry. Generally you will need a profession that will allow you to establish a link with the past.
Marital life will be happy and satisfactory.
Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from complaints like anaemia, cough and cold etc. Women may suffer from uterine problems.
Male Natives
1. Physical features: Normally, the native has a lean body with lengthy figure. In exceptional cases there are some natives with stout figure
2. Character and general events: He will be expert in all the works he undertakes. He has extremely intelligent mind and all-round knowledge. He does not like to cause any trouble to others "Manasa, Vacha or Karmana" (by mind, by word or by work). However, it has been seen that he has religious spirit. He always like to live with his own caliber and effort. He dislikes to express his disagreement with others till the last moment. Most of us are probably aware of the elephant's revenge. That is, if any person or any animal cause trouble to the elephant, the elephant waits for an opportunity to bounce upon them. In the same way Dhanishta born also waits for an opportunity to bounce upon others with whom he has to settle a score
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: A number of horoscopes examined by me have revealed that most of the scientists and historians are born in this Nakshatra. Since there is an inherent talent of keeping secret, the native is quite suitable for secret service, private secretaries to the senior executives. Whatever may be his academic background his intelligence is beyond questionable. In argument also he is much ahead of others. Hence lawyers profession is the best for him. Normally, period from 24th years of age onwards will show progress in the earning field. Since he will be engaged in the profession or trade where he has to trust others, he should be very very careful before putting trust on others
4. Family life: In the family circle also he will be the uppermost administrator. His relatives will cause a lot of embarrassment and problems. He is more inclined to his brothers and sisters. He will have ample inherited property subject to the placement of planets in beneficial position. He cannot have much benefit from his in-laws. But this drawback will be nullified due to the presence of good qualities in his wife. His wife will be an incarnation of "Laxmi" (goddess of wealth). To be more specific, any improvement in the financial field of the native will be only after the marriage
5. Health: His health may not be so good. Even then he will not think of his own health. It is only when the disease reach at the peak he starts finding remedy. Slightest improvement out of the severest disease will drag him to the work field. He is prone to whooping cough, anemia etc. However, he will not be on a prolonged state of illness
Female Natives
Females born in this Nakshatra will also enjoy more or less the same results mentioned above
1. Physical features: Handsome and ever sweet seventeen i.e. she will look very young even while she crosses her forty. An inviting appearance with thick lips. In some cases, ugly appearance due to teeth protruding outside the lips have been noticed
2. Character and general events: She has great aspirations in life and is a spendthrift. A modest and liberal disposition. She has sympathy towards the weak. As in the case of Sravana born, she is an enforcement master. She should curb this tendency for a congenial atmosphere in the home front
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: Mixed nature of talents have been noticed in the field of education. Some are interested in literature and some in sciences. Hence usually, teachers or lecturers or research fellows
4. Family life: She will be an expert in the house-hold administration
5. Health: Her health will not be good. She is prone to anemia, uterus disorders of acute intensity and spoiled blood
Translation: 100 Physicians
Deity: Varuna
You have a noble and an aristocratic demeanour. You value truth very highly. The pursuit of knowledge is a life long quest and you may have as diverse interests as philosophy, psychology, astrology, metaphysics and mathematics. You need constant mental stimulation. Though you have control over your emotions, you are very changeable and often confuse people. You can become dangerous when provoked.
Careers and activities that will suit you: Academics, Engineering, Mathematics, Accounts, Scientific research etc. As the translation indicates, you will especially do well in medicine and surgery. Some of you may explore non-traditional forms of medicine. Marital life may not be without friction.
Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from complaints like urinary tract diseases, diabetes, breathing trouble, cough and cold, pneumonia etc. Dental problems are also indicated.
Male Natives
1. Physical features: He will have a soft body, excellent memory power, wide forehead, attractive eyes, bright countenance, prominent nose and bulged abdomen. He would appear to belong to a aristocratic family at the first sight itself
2. Character and general events: He is of the type "Satyameva Jayate". He will not hesitate to sacrifice his own life for upholding the truth. As he is born with certain principles, he has to quite often confront with others as he cannot deviate from his principles of life. Selfless service is his motto. He insists on following the religious traditions. He is also of the adamant type. Once he takes a decision it is not easy for others to change his decision. While he is very intelligent and efficient in most of the walks of life, he is very soft in his heart. He is the mixture of good and bad
When he is provoked, he will rise like a bulldog, but that anger is soon subsided. As he does not believe in pomp and show, he has a feeling of shyness to exhibit his talents. However, his talents will be unearthed due to his interesting and attractive conversation, which will be highly instructive and educative
3. Education, sources of income/profession: Period upto 34 years of age will be a trial some period in his profession field. Period after 34 years will be the period of constant progress. He is highly suited for the practice of astrology, psychology and healing arts. His literary capacity and greatness will come to limelight even when he is very young. He is capable of acquiring very fine and high education. This Nakshatra has produced eminent doctors and research fellows in medicines
4. Family life: Generally he has to face a lot of problems from his dear and near ones. Even then, he always extents his helping hand to his near and dears even without asking for such help. It has been noticed that native has to undergo maximum mental agony due to his brothers. He cannot also enjoy much benefit from his father, whereas full love and affection is derived from his mother
It has also been found that he is not capable of leading a happy married life. In some cases, when there is severe affliction of Saturn and Jupiter, it has been found that the native remains a chronic bachelor throughout his life. While on the one hand he does not enjoy happy married life, his wife will have all the good qualities that are expected of a companion
5. Health: Outwardly he may appear to have very good health but it is not like that. He cannot tolerate even the slightest affliction to the body. He is prone to urinary diseases, breathing trouble and diabetics. As he is too much inclined in the sexual pleasures, he may have sexually transmitted diseases. Even though he may keep illicit relationship with other females it will be kept a secret from all. He may have problems with his jaws. He is also liable to suffer from colic troubles and must take precautions to protect himself from the diseases incidental to exposure to cold weather
Female Natives
1. Physical features: Tall and lean, fairly handsome, elegant disposition. Flushy lips and broad cheeks with prominent temples and buttocks
2. Character and general events: She will be very calm natured. But at certain times she is also hot-tempered. She is very much inclined in the religious activities as she is god fearing. Due to her hot-temperament, she is mostly confronted with family quarrel and this will result in frequent lack of mental peace
She has very good memory. She is highly sympathetic and generous. While she does not expect anything in return for her humanitarian action, she is quite often misunderstood not only by the general public but also by her own family members
3. Education, sources of income/profession: Interested in the scientific study. Percentage wise assessment shows that most of the female doctors are born in this Nakshatra
4. Family life: While she loves and adore her husband, her life will be full of problems. Sometimes long separation from her husband or widowhood has also been noticed
5. Health: Her health will be a cause of concern for her. Urinary and uterus disorders have been noticed. She may also suffer from colic troubles and chest pain
Translation: Former Beautiful Foot
Deity: Aja Ekapad
You are a self sufficient and highly resourceful person. You will be very successful in attracting wealth. You will succeed in attracting a lot of friends, some of them rich and powerful. You are a risk taker and your charming personality often gets you out of tight spots. You are a very adaptable person and can change yourself as the situation warrants. You have very discriminating tastes.
Careers that will suit you: Business, Banking and finance, Industrial management, international travel, gems and precious metals etc.
Your marital life will be happy and your spouse will be a constant source of strength and encouragement to you. You understand human nature and can figure out most people.
Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from complaints like paralytic attacks, diabetes, gastric and abdominal problems.
Women could suffer from uterine problems.
Male Natives
1. Physical features: One of the peculiar body phenomena is that he has a lifted ankle of the foot. He is of medium size. Broad cheeks with flushy lips
2. Character and general events: He is generally a peace loving person but occasional blasting has also been noticed. He is a very simpleton type. Since he is very much principled, he has to suffer a lot mentally as he takes into his heart even a small confrontation or problem. He likes good food and is a voracious eater. He is not very particular about dresses
He normally expresses impartial opinion. He does not believe in the blind principles of religion. He is ever ready to lend a helping hand to the needy. Even so, hatred and resistance will be his reward in return. He can easily enjoy the respects and confidence of others even if he is financially weak. He is God fearing and performs religious rites in accordance with the scriptures. While the native will be moderately rich, he likes to have respect and honor from the public rather than accumulating money. He is impartial in expressing his views
3. Education, sources of earnings / profession: As he is a born intelligent and has the knack of trade he can shine in any type of job he undertakes. If he is employed in a government organization he can look forward for unexpected gains or promotions from the government. He is capable of quite independent life both socially and financially. Period between 24 and 33 years of age will mark remarkable all-round progress in his life. Even though occasional mental tension is not ruled out during this period. Period between 40 years and 54 years of age will be his golden period when he can establish fully. He keeps much restriction on the spending activities
He can shine in the field of business, banking, government job, or as a teacher, actor or writer, research worker and astrologer or astronomer. If in government service, most of the Poorva-Bhadrapada born are engaged in the revenue collection department or in any capacity where cash transactions take place
4. Family life: He cannot enjoy fully the love and affection from his mother. As per the learned in astrology, the native will cause death or separation of his mother early. But in my personal experience, the native cannot derive full love and attention of his mother, as she will be working. Naturally, being a working mother, she is away most of the time and the native is automatically separated. Hence our ancients who have written this dictum are also correct to the extent of separatiosn, but not to the extent of death. For causing death other planetary affliction is also necessary and birth in this Nakshatra alone is not sufficient
One of the redeeming features is that there will be a lot of things with which he can be proud of his father. Subject to other favorable planetary positions, father of the native has been found to have fame and possess a very good moral character. Such popularity may be mainly in the field of fine arts, oration or in the writing field. In spite of these good qualities of his father, the native quite often disagree with the opinion and confrontation takes place
5. Health: He is prone to paralytic attack, acidity and diabetes. He may have problems with the ribs, flanks and soles of the feet
Female Natives
Females born in this nakshatra will also enjoy more or less the same results as mentioned above in addition to the results mentioned below:
1. Physical features: She is neither lean nor fatty, and neither tall nor short. In some cases very slim figure have also been noticed. However, she is very beautiful in appearance
2. Character and general events: Honesty and sincerity are the main characteristics of this native. She is of the type who believes that let her head is cut down, she will not deviate from the right path and principles. She is a born leader. She is capable of extracting work from others. Hence she will be successful when she gets power and authority. Example of extreme optimism
While she has the humanitarian doctrine, she will not extend her helping hand unless she is convinced fully that such kindness, sympathy and generosity are actually required. There is a peculiar politeness in her behavior
3. Education, sources of earnings / profession: Her education will be in the scientific or technical field. Hence the native is earmarked for the profession of teacher, statistician, astrologer or research worker
4. Family life: She will have more attachment towards her husband and will be blessed with children. She has good ability in the house hold administration. She will enjoy lots of benefits from her children. She will have many children if she marries a Rohini boy
5. Health: She is prone to low blood pressure, dropsy or swollen ankles, apoplexy and palpitation. Perspiring feet and enlarged liver
Translation: Latter Beautiful Foot
Deity: Ahir Budhnya
You are an attractive and charming personality and will always stand out in a crowd. You have a large number of friends cutting across the social spectrum. You are loyal to your friends and always willing to come to their aid. Some of you will tend to be shy and it is important that they learn to face the world with confidence. Generally, you are intelligent and erudite, and your intellectual achievements will be a source of inspiration to others.
You are financially successful and self-sufficient. You are a loving and merciful person and always willing to reach out to others. You spend a lot of time and money on charity. You are good at solving problems. This talent lends very well to a successful career in law, professional mediation, counselling.
Your marital life will be harmonious and satisfactory and children will be a source of joy and happiness.
Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from minor complaints like bodily aches and pains, rheumatism etc.
Male Natives
1. Physical features: Most attractive and innocent looking person. There is an inherent magnetically force in his look. If he looks at a person with a mild smile, rest assure, that person will be his slave
2. Character and general events: He keeps equal relationship with high and low people i.e. irrespective of the status of the person. He has a spot-less heart. He does not like to give troubles to others. The only drawback noticed in this native in the behavioral field is that temper is always on the tip of his nose. However, such short-temper is not of a permanent nature. He will not hesitate to sacrifice even his life to those who love him. At the same time once he is hurt he will become a lion. He has wisdom, knowledge, and personality
He is expert in delivering attractive speeches. He is capable of vanquishing his enemies and attain fairly high position. He is sexually inclined always and desirous of being in the company of other sex
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: He can attain mastery over several subjects at the same time. Even if he is not academically much educated, his expression and knowledge put forward to the world will equal to that of highly educated persons. He is much interested in fine arts and has ability to write prolonged articles or books
In the work field, he can shine well due to his extraordinary capacity and capability. Laziness is a remote question for him. Once he opts to undertake a job he cannot turn back till that job is completed. Even in the case of utter failure he is not desperate. If he is employed he will reach to the top. In most of the cases it has been noticed that even if this Nakshatra born persons are employed initially in the lower or middle level positions, they later on reach to a good position and they always receive reward and praise from others
It has been noticed that his stability in life or even the slightest upward movement begins after his marriage. He starts his livelihood at a very young age say 18 or 19 years of age. He will have important changes in the professional field at his 19th, 21st, 28th, 30th, 35th and 42nd years
4. Family life: While he keeps praising his father on the one side due to the prominent personality and religious rigidity of his father, he cannot virtually derive any benefit from his father. He leads a neglected childhood. He is normally subjected to a life away from his home town
His married life will be full of happiness. He will be blessed to have a most suitable wife. His children also will be an asset, most obedient, understanding and respecting children. He will be blessed with grandchildren also. He is an ornament in his family
5. Health: His health will be very good. He is non-care about his own health. Hence he will search for a doctor only when he is seriously ill. He is prone to paralytic attack, stomach problems, piles, and hernia
Female Natives
Females born in this Nakshatra will also enjoy more or less the same results as that is applicable for male natives mentioned above. In addition, the following results will also be enjoyed:
1. Physical features : She is of medium height with stout body. Large and protruding eyes
2. Character and general events : She is a real "Lakshmi" (goddess of wealth) in the family. She is the embodiment of a real family woman. Her behavior is extremely cordial, respectful and praise worthy. Adaptability as the circumstances warrants. Suitability as the occasion warrants and lastly impartiality as the country needs are her main characteristics. When all these three essentials required for the present day are combined in one, what more I can describe or attribute to her character
3. Education, sources of earning/profession: Employed females can attain good positions due to their own effort. She is best suited to the profession of a lawyer or arbitrator. She is also a good nurse or a doctor
4. Family life: These females will be a gem in any family they are born or married. In other words, their foot-steps are sufficient to bring in Laxmi (goddess of wealth)
5. Health: She is prone to rheumatic pains, acute indigestion, constipation, hernia and in some cases tuberculosis of low intensity
Translation: Wealthy
Deity: Pushan
You are independent and fiercely ambitious. As the translation suggests, this is a nakshatra of wealth. Those born under it will enjoy great prosperity. Setbacks will not hold you back for long. You are attractive and sociable. People enjoy being around you, as you are extremely likeable and easy to get along with. You enjoy a robust physique and good health. You have a tendency to overburden your self with others' problems and this could cause your health to suffer.
You should be careful with your finances or you could incur a lot of debt.
Careers that will suit you are: Counselling, Psychology, Psychiatry, Social work etc. You should also try volunteer work in your spare time.
Your marital life will be very harmonious and your spouse, very compatible.
Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from complaints like ulcers, intestinal disorders, orthopaedic and dental problems.
Male Natives
1. Physical features: Revati born will have very good physique, moderately tall and symmetrical bodies with fair complexion
2. Character and general events: He is very clean in his heart, sincere in his dealings and soft-spoken. He has knack of dealing with others as per the occasion warrants. He does not give much heed to others unnecessarily. Since he has a completely independent life he easily gets hurt when resistance arises. He cannot keep anything secret for too long time. He will not blindly believe even his loved ones. But once he takes somebody into confidence, it is not easy to keep away them out of his attachment
He is very hot tempered. Come what may, act according to his inner calling is his principle. He tries to observe the principle, which he feels, is correct and resist tooth and nail till the end for achieving or following that principle. He draws premature conclusion on any matter. He is God fearing, superstitious, religious and rigid in the observance of orthodox culture and principles
He is stubborn and ambitious. Even a slightest failure of his ideas or plan will give him maximum torture. Out of all the Nakshatra born persons, Revati born persons are the most God fearing and religiously much inclined. Hence they also enjoy the maximum blessings of the Almighty
3. Education, sources of earnings / profession: He will be interested in the scientific solutions, historical research and ancient cultures. He will be known publicly for the merits in any one of the three fields mentioned above. Ancient cultures include astrology and astronomy also
He can be a good physician, astrologer or poet. If he is employed in a government organization he can be the most successful person. Revati born are mostly settled in foreign countries. When I say foreign countries it includes quite a reasonable distance from one's own birthplace. He will come up in his life with his own efforts. His intelligence and abilities are the inherent qualities at birth. He cannot stick to any particular field of job for long time
He cannot expect to gain much compared to the ratio between work and reward till his 50th age. Period between 23 years and 26 years will be a good period whereas period between 26 to 42 years of age will mark a lot of problems both financially, mentally and socially. It is only after his 50th year he can think of worriless and stable life
4. Family life: He cannot have any help from his relatives and even from father. In other words, he is unlucky to enjoy the benefits from his near and dear ones. However, his married life will be moderately good. His spouse will be quite an adjusting type
5. Health: He is prone to fever, dysentery or dental diseases, intestinal ulcers and ear problems
Female Natives
1. Physical features: She will be extremely beautiful. She can be recognized easily even out of thousand persons due to her magnificent attractive personality
2. Character and general events: She is somewhat stubborn. Likes to exercise authority over others. Like male natives, she is also God fearing, religious and rigid in the observance of orthodox culture and principles. Highly superstitious
3. Education, sources of earnings / profession: She will have her education in the field of arts, literature or mathematics. She may be in the general line as far as professional field is concerned i.e, she may be a telephone operator, typist, teacher or a representative of companies. When good aspect of benefic planet is received, she may be an ambassador or a person representing her country for cultural or political matters
4. Family life: She will enjoy a most harmonious married life
5. Health: She may have some deformities of the feet, intestinal ulcers or abdominal disorders. In some cases, deafness has also been noticed


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