
Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Order for Identifying Various Aspects of Life through Houses and Planets
Order of significations

Under each topic, proceed through the list until you find the house that has a mooltrikona sign. If none of the houses listed have a mooltrikona sign for the ascendant in question, use the first planet listed as the primary significator. It is that house ruler or planet that you come up with that will have primary importance with regard to the signification. Once you have the primary significator, other planets listed become general significators.

Abortions: Fifth and second houses and the planets Jupiter and the Sun.
Accidents: Sixth house and the planet Mars.
Affection: 5th House and the Moon.
Basic Education: 4th House, Moon and Mercury.
Allergy: Close influence of Rahu/Ketu and Rahu like planets on weak planets/houses.
Analytical ability: Mercury, 3H.
Assets: 4th House, 2nd House, Mars and Venus.
Asthama: 3H, 4H, Mercury & Moon.
Black Magic: The close influence of Rahu or Ketu on the 5th House, the Sun and the Moon.
Business: Venus and Mercury.
Children: 5th House, 2nd House, Jupiter and Sun.
Comforts: 12th House, 4th House, 7th House, 2nd House, Sun, Venus and Moon.
Competitions: Lord of the fifth house. Lord of the third house or the lord of the second house if there is no MT sign in the fifth house.

Coronary problems: Exact or very close influence of Rahu, Ketu or most malefic planet on 4H, Sun and the Moon.
Courage: 3rd, Sun, Mars.
Creative Intelligence: 5th House, 2nd House, Jupiter and Sun.
Debts: Sixth house and Moon.
Depressions: 4th house, Moon, Mercury and the Sun.

Easy Gains: 8th House, Jupiter and Sun.
Education (Basic): 4th House, Moon and Mercury.

Education (Higher): 5th House, 2nd House, 9th House, Sun, Mercury and Jupiter.
Education (Spiritual): 9th House, and strength of Sun and Jupiter.
Elder Brothers: 11th House and Jupiter.
Employment: 10th House, 2nd House and Sun.
Entrepreneurial Capabilities: 3H, Mars, Venus & Saturn.
Evictions: 4th house and the planets the Moon and the Sun.

Family: 2nd House, 7th House, 4th House, Venus and Moon. Family disputes: Second house and the Moon.
Fanaticism: Impact of Rahu over the sixth house or that of sixth house and/or nodes on the third, first and tenth houses.

Father: 9th House, 4th House, Sun and Jupiter.
Fatal Accidents/very serious accidents: Eighth house and exact affliction of MMP or Ketu.
Financial Solvency: 6th House, 2nd House, Moon and Venus.
Foreign Residence: 7th House, 12th House or influence of 7th lord or 12th lord or 9th lord on 4th House or 10th House, Rahu and Venus.

Foreign Visits: 9th House, 10th House or influence of 9th lord or 12th lord or 7th lord on 4th House or 3rd House.
General Fortune/Luck: 9th House, 4th House, 2nd House, Sun and Jupiter.
Happy Married Life: 7th House, 4th House, 2nd House, 8th House, 12th House, Moon and Venus.
Health (Emotional): 1st House, 5th House, 6th House, Moon and Mercury.

Health (Functional): 1st House, 6th House, Moon and Mercury.
Health (General): 1st House, 6th House, Sun, Mars and Moon.
Health (Physical): 1st House, 6th House, Sun and Mars.
Heart Disease: 1st House, 6th House, 4th House, Sun and Moon, Mars, Jupiter.

Husband: 7th House, 2nd House, 4th House, 8th House, 12th House, Jupiter and Sun. Imprisonment: Twelfth house & sixth house.

Inclinations: 5th House, 4th House, 2nd House, Jupiter and Sun.
Income and Gains: 11th House, 2nd House, 10th House, 3rd House, Jupiter, Venus and Moon.

Inheritance: 8th House, 9th House, 4th House, Sun and Moon.
Initiatives: 3rd House and Mars.

Intuition: 5th House and the Sun.
Kidney: Sixth house and Venus.
Lawsuits: Sixth house and the planets the Sun and Mars.

Litigation: 6th House and planets placed in 6th House.
Longevity: 1st House, 8th House, 12th House and Saturn.
Loss of parents: 4th and 9th houses and the planets the Sun and the Moon.
Love: Significator is Venus.

Luxuries: 4th House, Venus, 12th House and 7th House.

Malignant Tumors: Exact or very close influence of Rahu or most malefic planet on weak planets/houses.
Marital Discord: Influence of lord of the 6th House/Ketu on the weak prime determinants/significators of marriage or the placement of the prime determinants/significators of marriage in the 6th House.

The prime determinants of marriage: The prime determinants of marriage for each of the 12 signs in seriatim are Venus, the Sun, Jupiter, the Sun, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, the Moon, the Moon, the Sun, and Mercury. Jupiter is significator for husband and Venus is significator for wife and general significator of marriage. These are the significators of marriage.

Marriage - Timing: 7th, 2nd and 4th houses or the planets influencing these houses.

Marital Tie: 8th House, 2nd House and 12th House.
Mental Capabilities: 1st House, 3rd House, 4th House, 5th House, Moon, Sun and Mercury.

Mother: 4th House, Moon and 9th House.
Musical Talent: 2nd and 3rd house, Venus and Mercury.
Nervous Control: 6th House and Mercury.

Possesion by spirits: The close influence of Rahu or Ketu on the 5th House, Sun, Moon & Mercury.
Pre-marital Pleasures: Close influence of Rahu or 8th/12th lords on the 1st House, 3rd House, 5th House or 7th House or the planet Venus.
Poverty: Second, fourth and sixth houses and the planets the sun and Saturn.
Professional Education: 2nd House, 5th House and 10th House.
Professional Determinant: Lords of 10th and 2nd houses and if there is no MT sign in these houses, then Lord of the Ascendant.
Professional Position: 10th House, 2nd House, 5th House, 3rd House, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter.

Progeny: 5th House, 2nd House, Jupiter and Sun.
Prolonged sicknesses: Sixth house & the planets Mars and Mercury.
Prosperity: 11th House, 2nd House, 10th House, 3rd House, Jupiter, Venus and Moon.
Purvapunya: 9th house, fifth house, Jupiter and the Sun.
Respiratory disorders: 3H, Mercury & Moon.
Renal disorders: 6H, 7H Venus.
Romance: Mars and Rahu.
Short Journeys: 3rd House and 9th House.
Speculation: 5th House, Rahu and Mercury.
Speculative Trading Markets: Rahu
Spiritual Education: 9th House, Sun and Jupiter.

Spiritual Life: 9th House, 4th House, Sun and Jupiter.
Sport: 3rd House, Lord of the Ascendant, 9th House, Mars, Sun and Venus.
Status: 2nd House, 5th House, 10th House, Sun and Jupiter.
Status with Government: 2nd House, 10th House, Sun and Mars.
Strong mind and will power: 3rd and tenth houses and the planet, the Sun. Where both the 3rd and 10th houses do not contain an MT sign, the 2nd house will be considered.
Success: 3rd House, Sun and Jupiter.

Tuberculosis: 4H, Moon and Mercury.
Vehicles: 4th House and Venus.
Wealth: 2nd House. To find the the prime indicator: if there is no MT sign in the 2nd house, then one goes to the 4th house, the 9th house and then the 1st house whichever house has the MT sign first.
Wealth giver houses/planets - 11th House, 5th House, Moon and Jupiter.
Wealth Accumulated - Venus is the significator planet.
Widowhood: Seventh, fourth, second and 12th houses and the impact of MMP/Ketu on these houses.
Wife: 7th House, 2nd House, 4th House, 8th House, 12th House, Venus and Moon.
Younger Brothers: 3rd House and Mars.


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